To be filled...
This is a code to display the motion of a monochromatic light ray, laser, when it travels through a non-refracting medium and gets reflected by a reflecting material, such as a mirror, placed at a certain angle at a distance from the source. And the aim is to trace the path the light ray travels
when there are n number of mirrors at a certain angle while the user inputs the angle of incident of the source to the first mirror.
This experiment/code is useful in representation of the way light ray travels through telescope, of any wave length before it reaches the eyepiece or the receiver, and its also a fun user experience where one can use the laws of physics to play with the amazing phenomena of “reflection”
Run any one of of these http servers:
Python 2
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Python 3
$ python3 -m http.server
$ npx http-server