This is an example project that shows how to set up a Java project that uses Wikidata Toolkit. It contains several simple example programs and bots in the source directory.
The individual examples are documented in the README file of each package.
You can import the project into any Java IDE that supports Maven (and maybe git) and run the example programs from there. Wikidata Toolkit provides detailed instructions on how to set up Eclipse for using Maven and git.
You can also run the code directly using Maven from the command line. For this, you need to have Maven and (obviously) Java installed. To compile the project and obtain necessary dependencies, run
mvn compile
Thereafter, you can run any individual example using its Java class name, for example:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="examples.FetchOnlineDataExample"
This project is copied from the Wikidata Toolkit examples module. Authors can be found there.
License: Apache 2.0