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Simple Server 8.4.6
An open source simple server tunnel for the official minecraft multiplayer servers.
Copyright (c) 2011 SimpleServer authors (see CONTRIBUTORS)
See LICENSE for details.

Forum thread:

1) Run launch.bat (Windows), launch.command (Mac OS X), or (Linux/BSD)
   to start the server for the first time
2) You can now connect to the server using "localhost" and the port indicated in
   the file. Other people, that are not connected to your
   local network, can connect to your IP Address (
   and the port indicated in properties file.
3) For more info on customising configurations please visit the SimpleServer Wiki.
   Link is above.

Features (See CHANGES for updates and more infomation):
 * Denial of service protection (DDOS).  More than 30 requests/IP/minute will
   automatically ban the IP.
 * RCON and experimental telnet access.
 * Experimental event scripting system.
 * Optional automated saving, backups, restarts, and mapping.
 * Locked chests.  Each player can lock as many chests as he wants.
   Other non-admins cannot access or destroy the chest.
 * Automatically makes space for members with higher group IDs.
 * Local chat.  Say /l [MESSAGE] to send a message to nearby players.
   Local chat perimeter changeable.
 * Customizable message formats.
 * Compatible with CraftBukkit, hey0 and other server modifications.
 * Group, Command and Block permissions system (See config.xml).
 * Optional local area permissions (See config.xml).
 * Customizable kits (kit-list.txt).
 * Customizable give aliases (give-alias-list.txt).
 * Customizable command aliases (See config.xml)
 * IP bans (ip-ban-list.txt).
 * Message of the day (MOTD) displayed to members when joining (motd.txt).
 * Muting players from global chat (mute-list.txt).
 * Rules listing (rules.txt).
 * Optional member whitelist (white-list.txt).
 * Selectable language packages for all in-game notifications.

See and simpleserver/config.xml for general configuration.

Console Commands:
Say help in the console for all the standard minecraft server commands.
Added commands:
  enchant           -- Enchants items
  global            -- Sends a global chat message to all players
  idbehold          -- Make tools work instantly for yourself
  me                -- Displays a "me" message. Default: *<YOUR-USERNAME> [MESSAGE]
                       Example: *Notch is awesome. (/me is awesome.)
  read              -- Display a specified text document in the (DOCS File)
  rename            -- Renames a player
  toggledownfall    -- Toggle rain and snow
  xp                -- Give XP to a player

In-game Commands:
Commands are based on rank.  Say /help in game for a list of currently
accessible commands.
  /area -- Show the name of current area
  /areasay MESSAGE -- Send message to all players in your area
    Alias: /a
  /back -- Teleports you back to the position you died
  /backup -- Backup the map
  /ban PLAYER [REASON] -- Kick and ban the named player
  /banip IPADDRESS -- Kick and ban players with this IP
  /chat MODE [ARGUMENTS] -- Set default chatroom
    Alias: /c
  /dimension [DIMENSION] MESSAGE -- Send message only in specified dimension and to yourself
    Alias: /d
  /enchant [ITEM | add ID:LEVEL | give | remove ID] -- Spawns enchanted items
    Alias: /e
  /gamemode [PLAYER] MODE -- Set gamemode for a specific player
  /give ITEM[:DAMAGE] [AMOUNT] -- Spawn items for yourself
  /giveplayer PLAYER ITEM [AMOUNT] -- Spawn items for another player
  /global MESSAGE -- Send a chat message to all players
  /gps [PLAYER] -- Display block coordinates of named player or yourself
  /group [GROUP] MESSAGE -- Talk to the specified or your group (use id)
    Alias: /g
  /help [COMMAND] -- List commands or get help for one command
    Alias: /commands
  /home [help|set|delete|public|private|ilist|list|invite|uninvite] [name] -- Teleport to and manage your home
  /idbehold -- Make tools work instantly for yourself
  /iddqd -- Make yourself invulnerable to other players' attacks
  /kick PLAYER [REASON] -- Kick the named player from the server
  /kit [KIT] -- Display all kits or give yourself the named kit
    Alias: /kits
  /listips -- Display the name and IP of each connected player
  /local MESSAGE -- Send a chat message to nearby players
    Alias: /l
  /lock [name|list] -- Create or list locked chests
  /login PLAYER PASSWORD -- Login using Custom Authentication
  /me MESSAGE -- Displays a message like "* Notch is a cool man!"
  /motd -- Display the message of the day
  /mute PLAYER -- Block the named player from normal chat
  /myarea [start|end|save|unsave|rename] -- Manage your personal area
  /mystats -- Display your statistics
  /ok PLAYER -- Agree to a visit request
  /rcon COMMAND ARGUMENTS... -- Execute a command on the server console
  /read DOCUMENT -- Display a specified text document
  /register [OLD PASSWORD] NEW_PASSWORD NEW_PASSWORD -- Set or change password for Custom Authentication
    Alias: /passwd
  /reload -- Reread the configuration files from disk
  /rename PLAYER RENAME -- Rename a player
  /reply MESSAGE -- Sends a message to the player that last told you something
    Alias: /r
  /restart -- Stop the Minecraft server and start it again
  /rules -- Display the server rules
  /save -- Store configuration to disk and force a map save
  /servertime -- Display the real-world time of the server
  /setgroup PLAYER GROUP -- Set the group ID of the named player
  /setipgroup IP|Player -- Set the group ID of an IP address
  /spawn -- Teleport to spawn
  /stop -- Shutdown the entire server
  /teleport PLAYER1 PLAYER2 -- Teleport the first player to the second
    Alias: /tp
  /tell PLAYER MESSAGE... -- Send a message to the named player
    Alias: /t
  /time [set] [number|day|night|unfreeze] [freeze] -- Set or freeze time
  /toggledownfall -- Toggle rain and snow
    Alias: /rain
  /unban PLAYER -- Remove the named player from the ban list
  /unbanip IPADDRESS -- Remove the IP address from the ban list
  /unlock [name] -- Unlocks locked chests
  /unmute PLAYER -- Allow the named player to use normal chat again
  /unwhitelist PLAYER -- Remove player from server access list
  /visit PLAYER -- Teleport to the player if he agrees with /ok
  /warp [list|remove|add] [name] -- Use and manage waypoints
  /warpto [player] x y z -- Warp (a player) to given coordinates
  /warpmeto PLAYER -- Teleport to the named player
    Alias: /tpto
  /warptome PLAYER -- Teleport the named player to you
  /whitelist PLAYER -- Add player to server access list
  /who -- Display online players' names
    Alias: /list
  /xp [PLAYER] AMOUNT -- Gives XP to a player

Configuration: simpleserver/config.xml
===== Properties =====
announceBackup      | Announce backups to players
announceRestart     | Announce planned restarts to players
announceSave        | Announce world saves to players
areaMaxX            | Maximum width (X-axis) of player-defined areas in METERS
areaMaxZ            | Maximum breadth (Z-axis) of player-defined areas in METERS
autoBackup          | Back up world at regular intervals
autoBackupMins      | Time between backups in MINUTES
autoRestart         | Restart server at regular intervals
autoRestartMins     | Time between restarts in MINUTES
autoSave            | Force world saves at regular intervals
autoSaveMins        | Time between forced saves in MINUTES
chatConsoleToOps    | Server OPs see all console commands
chatToConsole       | Display all chat in server console
custAuth            | Use custom user authentication
debug               | Enable server debugging
defaultGroup        | Default group assigned to new players
exitOnFailure       | Shut down server when major errors occur
forwardAllCommands  | Forward every command to server JAR
forwardChat         | Forward chat messages to server JAR
keepBackupHours     | Amount of time to keep old backups in HOURS
localChatRadius     | How far local chat can be heard in METERS
logMessageFormat    | Format for chat log entries (EXPERT SETTING)
logMessages         | Log all chat messages
maxPlayers          | Maximum number of players on server
meCommandFormat     | Format for output of !me command (EXPERT SETTING)
msgFormat           | Format for chat messages (EXPERT SETTING)
msgForwardFormat    | Format for forwarded messages (EXPERT SETTING)
msgTitleFormat      | Format for messages with group titles (EXPERT SETTING)
msgWrap             | Wrap long chat messages to fit chat window
onlineMode          | Only allow authenticated players to join server
serverDescription   | Message that appears in client's server list
serverLanguage      | Language code for localization
showListOnConnect   | Show list of connected players when joining server
useMsgFormats       | Format chat messages
useWhitelist        | Only allow whitelisted players to join server
xmlInlineAttributes | Turn on inline XML attributes (EXPERT SETTING)
xmlPCDATA           | Turn on XML PCDATA between tags (EXPERT SETTING)

For more information about configuration, please see:
Technical Details:
  This wrapper works by proxying all network and console data to and from the
  minecraft server.  This means that your clients will be connecting to the
  wrapper and not to the minecraft server directly.


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