Welcome to my repository. It's been a bit of a while since I updated it last because, you know, life and work and all that stuff gets in the way. Anyway, I will be publishing code to my repo more regularly from now on.
🔭 I’m currently working on ... I've just finished my new website, built in react and nodejs. The repo is currently private on this github but I might make it public if anyone wants to look at it. also some games - Captain Blackstar that is nearly done, and Eskape, which I'm just doing the pre-production phase - generating the GDD. and if I get time, I am also planning on cleaning up my study.
💬 Ask me about ... Freelance or contract work. I am a games designer and website developer - you can get my CV off my website mykeblack.com/cv. I can do pretty much any web tech and am working on some unity games projects on the side.
📫 How to reach me: ... email is best - [email protected].
⚡ Fun fact: There are only 4 types of mammal that lays eggs- all of which live in Australia.