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Releases: munterfi/hereR

hereR 1.0.0

19 Sep 05:39
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Please note that there are breaking changes introduced in this major version release for the weather(), flow(), and incidents() functions. Be sure to review the updated documentation to understand how these changes may affect your usage.

  • Upgrade HERE Traffic API to v7 for flow() and incident() requests (closes #158)
  • Upgrade HERE Destination Weather API to v3 for weather().
  • Update description to create a new API key to the HERE Platform (closes #157).
  • In addition to sf, data.frames, the input for points and areas of interest now also allows for sfc geometry columns.
  • Change the example data set of the package for the area of interest aoi from the country border of Switzerland to the districts of Zurich. This change was necessary because the flow() and incident() requests have a maximum allowed width and height of 1 degree for the bounding box of the input AOIs.
  • Replace GitHub actions with current versions from r-lib/actions.
  • Bugfix: Fix decoding of polylines with NA value in intermodal_route().
  • Bugfix: NAs introduced by coercion, do not convert snowFall column to numeric in weather observation request.
  • Bugfix: Remove defunct.R and deprecated.R to avoid NOTE (closes #162).

hereR 0.9.1

10 Jan 06:11
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  • Resubmit to CRAN due to since the package was archived on 2022-12-27 as email to the maintainer was temporarily not deliverable.
  • Updated r-lib/actions in github action R-CMD-check.yaml and pkgdown.yaml.

hereR 0.9.0

05 Aug 20:36
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  • Allow transport modes "scooter", "taxi", "bus", "privateBus" in route() and route_matrix().
  • Request tolls for routes with transport modes "car", "truck", "taxi" and "bus" in route(). The new boolean parameter vignettes defines if vignettes should be in inlcuded in the total toll cost of routes (closes #151).
  • Add set_currency() to allow changing the currency used in toll requests to a currency code compliant to ISO 4217. The default currency is the current system locale setting. If the monetary formatting category "LC_MONETARY" of the C locale is not set, "USD" is set as default.
  • Set aggregate = FALSE as default in isoline() (closes #153).
  • Bugfix: Reduced RPS from 5 to 4 in calls to the Weather API in weather(), due to Status 429; Too Many Requests;.
  • Bugfix: Do not convert columns "visibility" and "snowCover" to numeric in weather(..., product = "observation"), as they contain non numeric character values (NAs introduced by coercion).

hereR 0.8.2

20 Nov 12:55
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  • Setting the arrival time is now supported by the Routing API, therefore route(..., arrival = TRUE) works.
  • Since sapply is not type safe, replace its use with vapply(..., FUN.VALUE = type).
  • Add endpoint URL (without parameters) of failing requests to the warning message and print error message of the response.
  • RPS limit for weather and traffic endpoints.
  • Changed workflow from git flow to trunc-based development. Removed develop branch. New features are merged directly into master and releases are tagged after CRAN has accepted the package submission, which triggers the documentation build.
  • Bugfix: Fix time / traffic independent requests in isoline(..., traffic=FALSE) (closes #147).
  • Bugfix: Explicitly cast linestring in function .connection_summary to avoid error in CPL_geos_union (@panhypersebastos).

hereR 0.8.1

07 Oct 13:22
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  • Adjust URLs to GitHub account due to renaming munterfinger to @munterfi.
  • Bugfix: Add set_freemium topic to index in pkgdown.

hereR 0.8.0

29 Sep 14:58
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  • Rename the rate-limit-related variable HERE_RPS to HERE_FREEMIUM, and the function hereR::set_rate_limit() to hereR::set_freemium(). Use the HERE_FREEMIUM environment variable to determine a plan-specific size of sub-matrices in the hereR::route_matrix() function (@szaboildi, #138).
  • Deprecate hereR::set_rate_limit() (closes #137).
  • Add option to use qualified queries in geocode() (closes #136).

hereR 0.7.1

22 Jul 15:33
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  • Add parameter to allow filtering transport modes in connection() (closes #130).
  • Bugfix: Swapped the origin and destination IDs in route_matrix(). Removed query optimization because switching the IDs results in reversed route information (closes #129).
  • Update outdated URLs in package documentation.

hereR 0.7.0

17 Apr 09:18
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  • Enable optimize parameter to chose from "balanced", "quality" and "performance" in isoline() (closes #119).
  • Remove deprecated parameters in route(), route_matrix() and isoline().
  • Add specific user-agent to the requests: hereR/<version> R/<version> (<platform>).
  • Add option to deactivate rate limits set_rate_limit(FALSE).
  • Bugfix: Add rate limits in RPS (requests per seconds) to async requests to the APIs; move dependency for requests from curl to crul package (closes #122).
  • Bugfix: isoline() now handles multipart polygons (MULTIPOLYGON) if received by the API (closes #121).
  • Add area and feature avoidance in route() (closes #117).

hereR 0.6.1

01 Feb 17:26
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  • Use styler package and use tyler::tidyverse_style()to format the package.
  • All lintr issues are solved, except from line length issues (limit of 80 characters).
  • Avoid drop of the sfc class of the geometry column when there is only one geometry/row in a data.table (closes #111).
  • Return queryScore in geocode() results as score column (closes #109).
  • Silence sf messages of sf::st_union call in connection(..., summary = TRUE).
  • Added section id to route(), intermodal_route() and connection().

hereR 0.6.0

06 Jan 10:54
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  • Update route_matrix() from Routing API v7.2 (calculatematrix) to Matrix Routing API v8 (see #87).
  • Update isoline() from Routing API v7.2 (calculateisoline) to Isoline Routing API v8 (see #87).
  • Update route() from Routing API v7.2 (calculateroute) to Routing API v8, which brings the elevation to the route geometries (closes #87). Note: Arrival time is not yet supported.
  • Return ISO state and country code in geocode() with the updated API v7.2 as it did with the previous API v6 (closes #98).
  • Deprecate parameters mode and type in route(), route_matrix() and isoline(), use transport_mode and routing_mode instead.
  • Fix parsing of timezones in connection() and intermodal_route() (closes #94).
  • Fix not conditional use of suggested packages in vignettes (closes #101).
  • Fix issue with delimiter for POST requests by changing it from a space " " to a space pipe combination " | " (closes #102).
  • Added contribution guidelines, code of conduct and issue templates.