Munkireport 5.3.0
5.3.0 (March 09, 2020)
This release contains some major security fixes. Please upgrade to this version as soon as possible.
To help mitigate the vulnerabilities, all modules got a security update.
Special thanks to Edouard Schweisguth from Datadog who wrote the security report and helped us resolve these issues.
Also thanks @joncrain, @tuxudo, @poundbangbash and @rickheil for helping out.
- Harden datatables
- Harden sessions
- Harden handling of reports
- Updating applications to latest version (#1319)
- Add removehandler to .htaccess
- New widget template for developers
- munkireport/reportdata (v2.4 => v2.6)
- munkireport/event (v3.1 => v3.2)
- munkireport/warranty (v2.2 => v2.3)
- munkireport/applications (v1.1 => v2.2)
- munkireport/backup2go (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/bluetooth (v1.2 => v1.3)
- munkireport/caching (v1.3 => v1.4)
- munkireport/certificate (v1.2 => v1.3)
- munkireport/comment (v2.1 => v2.2)
- munkireport/crashplan (V1.6 => v1.7)
- munkireport/deploystudio (v1.2 => v1.3)
- munkireport/devtools (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/directory_service (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/extensions (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/fan_temps (V1.6 => v1.7)
- munkireport/filevault_status (V1.2 => v1.3)
- munkireport/findmymac (v1.3 => v1.4)
- munkireport/firmware_escrow (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/fonts (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/gpu (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/gsx (v2.0 => v2.1)
- munkireport/homebrew (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/homebrew_info (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/ibridge (v1.4 => v1.5)
- munkireport/location (V1.2 => v1.3)
- munkireport/mbbr_status (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/mdm_status (v1.11 => v1.12)
- munkireport/munki_facts (v1.3 => v1.4)
- munkireport/munkiinfo (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/munkireportinfo (v1.3 => v1.4)
- munkireport/network_shares (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/power (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/printer (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/sccm_status (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/security (v1.6 => v1.7)
- munkireport/sentinelone (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/sentinelonequarantine (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/smart_stats (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/softwareupdate (v1.2.1 => v1.3)
- munkireport/sophos (v1.2 => v1.3)
- munkireport/supported_os (V1.8 => v1.9)
- munkireport/tag (v2.1 => v2.2)
- munkireport/timemachine (v1.4 => v1.5)
- munkireport/usage_stats (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/usb (V1.2 => v1.4)
- munkireport/user_sessions (V1.4 => v1.5)
- munkireport/wifi (v1.1 => v1.2)
- munkireport/machine (v2.5 => v3.0)
- league/flysystem (1.0.64 => 1.0.65)
- doctrine/dbal (v2.9.3 => v2.10.1)
- vlucas/phpdotenv (v4.1.0 => v4.1.1)
- symfony/yaml (v3.4.37 => v3.4.38)
- symfony/var-dumper (v4.4.4 => v5.0.5)
- tightenco/collect (v6.15.0 => v7.0.5)
- adldap2/adldap2 (v10.2.2 => v10.2.3)
- symfony/service-contracts (v1.1.8 => v2.0.1)
- symfony/console (v4.4.4 => v4.4.5)
- symfony/process (v4.4.4 => v4.4.5)
- symfony/translation-contracts (v1.1.7 => v2.0.1)
- symfony/translation (v4.4.4 => v4.4.5)
- nesbot/carbon (2.30.0 => 2.31.0)
- symfony/finder (v4.4.4 => v4.4.5)