With this initiative, we aim to revolutionise the agriculture sector by building a strong farmer network across India and attempting to merge farming with technology. We essentially included a whole package solution for a farmer to start using new agricultural technologies, a social media-like portion where farmers can connect with their neighbouring community farmers, and an agriculture expert section where farmers can ask questions about their issue. Also, we have created a local news section where customers may access all local agricultural news and keep up with various government initiatives. Additional features include a product area where farmers will receive product recommendations based on their experiences, the ability to upload a leaf image and receive information about diseases (which will be implemented), and the ability to determine the best crop for their location (which will be implemented). Our resource page is a crucial component where farmers may learn new farming methods, increase yields, and discover how to cultivate new crops.
To run the app foloow the given commands
Flutter must to setup or to setup follow - https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install
git clone https://github.com/bbsdevloper/Diversion2k23-hack_init
flutter pub get
flutter run