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mtopolnik edited this page Sep 12, 2013 · 3 revisions

A UrlBuilder instance is obtained from the global function url().

###s(pathSegment...) Adds path segments to the URL. Each pathSegment argument is a string and can may optionally contain slashes, which means a single argument may add more than one path segment. Slashes between the arguments are added automatically as needed.

###pp(pvPairs...) Adds path parameters to the latest path segment. The argument list is partitioned into param-value pairs. An array can be passed at a param position and will be recursively flattened into more param-value pairs. Example:

pp('a','3', 'b','5', ['c','6', 'd','7'], [['e','8'], ['f','9']])

###q(pvPairs...) Adds query parameters to the URL. The argument list is partitioned into param-value pairs. An array can be passed at a param position and will be recursively flattened into more param-value pairs. Example:

q('a','3', 'b','5', ['c','6', 'd','7'], [['e','8'], ['f','9']])

The values will be URL-encoded as needed.

###frag(f) Sets the URL fragment (which appears at the very end of the URL, preceded by a # sign).

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