SKOS is a lightweight W3C SKOS client library written in Python.
It has been designed for conveniently retrieving data from SPARQL endpoints the Pythonic way:
>>> from skos import SKOSEndpoint >>> url = "" >>> endpoint = SKOSEndpoint(url) >>> c = endpoint.query_concept("maize") >>> print c[0].get_preflabels()[12] [u'Mais', u'it'] >>> altlabels = c[0].get_altlabels() >>>print altlabels[0:2] [[u'corn (maize)', u'en'], [u'Ziarno kukurydzy', u'pl']]
- Search skos:concept(s) based on preferred or alternative labels.
- Extract all labels from a concept in different languages.
- Navigational traversal of the concept hierarchy: broader, narrower, related.
pip install skos (not available yet)
Documentation is available at Read the Docs (not available yet)