is a library for Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).
The goal of this library project is to provide a compact, light-weight, portable library of primitives that can be used for training and evaluating Neural Networks. The code is written in ANSI C for portability. It is compiled and tested regularly for the following configurations:
- Windows (x86 and x64) using Visual Studio and clang
- Mac OSX (Intel and M1) using clang
- Ubuntu Linux using gcc
There are two main components to the library. The first is a lightweight Tensor
library, tensor.c
. The second is a minimal training and inference runtime,
. Integrating libann
into another application requires adding only
these two files to the project, or linking to the libann
The tensor library is not meant to be a comprehensive tensor library. It provides only the minimal set of functions needed to support the current training and inference runtime.
The tensor
module provides the fundamental mathematical operations over
vectors and matrices required by neural networks.
The module does not currently support 3D, or rank 3, tensors. Support for rank 3 tensors may be added in the future.
Key functions include both scalar and vectorized versions controlled by the
compiler define. The default build uses the non-optimized scalar
versions. To use the vector optimized versions build the code using
or edit ann_config.h and uncomment the USE_BLAS
The following tensor library functions are provided.
Function | Description |
tensor_create | create a new empty tensor |
tensor_create_from_array | create a tensor from an array of data |
tensor_set_from_array | initialize a tensor from an array of data |
tensor_free | free tensor memory |
tensor_ones | create a new tensor of 1's |
tensor_zeros | create a new tensor of 0's |
tensor_create_random_uniform | create a tensor with random values |
tensor_onehot | initialize a tensor as a onehot vector |
tensor_copy | copy a tensor |
tensor_add_scalar | add a scalar value to the tensor |
tensor_add | add two tensors |
tensor_sub | subtract two tensors |
tensor_mul_scalar | multiply a tensor by a scalar |
tensor_mul | multiply two tensors |
tensor_div | divide one tensor by another |
tensor_matvec | multiply a vector by a matrix |
tensor_square | square a tensor |
tensor_exp | form exponential of each tensor element |
tensor_max | return the max value in a tensor |
tensor_sum | compute the horizontal sum of a tensor |
tensor_axpy | multiply tensor by scalar and add to a tensor |
tensor_axpby | multiply tensors by scalar values and then add them |
tensor_outer | form the outer product of two tensors |
tensor_get_element | get an elmeent from a tensor |
tensor_set_element | set an element of a tensor |
tensor_save_to_file | save a tensor to a file |
tensor_slice_rows | slice out rows to a new tensor |
tensor_slice_cols | slide out cols to a new tensor |
tensor_fill | fill a tensor with a value |
tensor_random_uniform | fill a tensor with random values |
tensor_print | print out a tensor |
The ann
module provides functions for training and testing a neural network
using several types of gradient descent and backpropagation methods. The
module provides the underlying math operations required.
The module supports both Mean-Squared Error and
Categorical Cross Entropy for loss functions. This option is set when a
network is created via ann_make_network()
For training, the module provides Stochastic Gradient Descent, and
Momentum optimizers. Support for RMSProp, AdaGrad and Adam is
in progress. This option is also set when a network is created via
The layer activation types currently supported are None, Sigmoid and Softmax. Support for RELU is currently in progress.
For performance, mini-batch support is provided. Batch size can be configured, along with other hyper-parameters, either directly via the network object or through various set_xx functions.
The following training and inference runtime functions are provided.
Function | Description |
ann_make_network | create a new neural network |
ann_add_layer | add a layer to the network |
ann_free_network | free a network |
ann_load_csv | load data from a csv file to a tensor |
ann_load_network | load a previously saved network (text) |
ann_save_network | save a trained network (text) |
ann_load_network_binary | load a previously saved network (binary) |
ann_save_network_binary | save a trained network (binary) |
ann_train_network | train a network |
ann_predict | predict an output using a previously trained network |
ann_set_convergence | set the convergence threshold (optional) |
ann_evaluate_accuracy | evaluate accuracy of trained network using test data |
ann_set_learning_rate | override the default learning rate |
ann_set_loss_function | set the loss function |
The tensor
functions used for training and inference can be accelerated
using BLAS
libraries, often providing significant training speed increases. Many BLAS
libraries use multi-threading and SIMD instructions with cache-aware
partitioning algorithms to accelerate the various vector and matrix operations
used with ML training and inference.
Note: For all but the largest networks, inference using a pre-trained model is very fast, even without the use of BLAS libraries. The BLAS libraries are most helpful for processing the huge amounts of data involved in training networks.
The code is regularly tested against OpenBLAS on multiple platforms. Though not yet tested, the Intel MKL library should also work with appropriate build setup.
define controls whether the provided scalar tensor code
path is used or the BLAS code path.
There are a few portions of the library that are currently under construction. These are:
- RELU, leaky RELU, Tanh and softsign activation not yet functional
- Adagrad optimizer not yet vectorized
- RMSProp optimizer not yet vectorized
- Adam optimizer not yet vectorized
Basic usage of the library for training and prediction involves just a few function calls.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ann.h"
// main program start
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
real *data;
int rows, stride;
// load the data
if (argc > 1)
ann_load_csv(argv[1], CSV_NO_HEADER, &data, &rows, &stride);
ann_load_csv("and.csv", CSV_NO_HEADER, &data, &rows, &stride);
// create a new empty network
PNetwork pnet = ann_make_network(OPT_ADAPT, LOSS_MSE);
// setup training tensors
PTensor x_train = tensor_create_from_array(rows, stride, data);
PTensor y_train = tensor_slice_cols(x_train, 2);
// define our network structure
ann_add_layer(pnet, 2, LAYER_INPUT, ACTIVATION_NULL);
ann_add_layer(pnet, 1, LAYER_OUTPUT, ACTIVATION_SIGMOID);
// train the network
ann_train_network(pnet, x_train, y_train, x_train->rows);
// make a prediction using the trained network
real outputs[1];
ann_predict(pnet, &data[0], outputs);
// free resources
return 0;
You can build the code either from the provided Makefile
or using CMake
If you plan to use the vectorized version, you must first download and install,
or build, the OpenBLAS
library. Ensure that ann_config.h defines USE_BLAS
The default build files assume that the OpenBLAS is installed at /opt. If another location is used, update
as needed.
To build using Make
% git clone
% cd ann
% make
To build using CMake
% git clone
% cd ann
% mkdir build
% cd build
% cmake ..
% cmake --build . --config Release
There are a few example projects included to help you familiarize yourself with the library and its usage. These are:
- logic - a simple linear regression model for AND, OR, NOR logic
- digit5x7 - multi-class image classification model for learning 5x7 character digits
- save_test - demonstrates loading and testing a pre-trained text model file
- save_test_binary - demonstrates loading and testing a pre-trained binary model file
- mnist - model for the MNIST datasets (digit or fashion)
Note that logic is not able to learn XOR. That is because XOR is not a linearly separable function and therefore it cannot be learned using a linear regression model. For XOR, a network with a hidden layer is required.
The logic sample is a simple linear regression model with no hidden layer.
It optionally takes the name of dataset on the command line.
Data files are provided for AND
, OR
, and NAND
. For example:
% ./logic or.csv
The save_test sample reads in a previously trained network for the MNIST
fashion dataset. It will load and create the network from the file
. It then expects to find the test file
in the current directory.
% ./save_test
Loading network /dev/ann/mnist-fashion.nna...done.
Loading /dev/ann/fashion-mnist_test.csv...done.
Test accuracy: 86.98%
The digit5x7 sample is a multi-layer NN for image classification that learns a 1-bit color representation of 5x7 font digits. It has 35 input nodes, one per pixel, 48 hidden layer nodes and 10 output nodes. Once trained, noise is added to the training data and used as test data.
The mnist sample is a multi-layer NN for image classification. It trains on all 60,000 images in the MNIST training database. Each image is 28 x 28 pixels in 8-bit grayscale. Once trained it tests against all 10,000 images in the MNIST testing dataset.
Note that due to large file size, the MNIST training data is not provided. A link to download the CSV files is provided below.
The output of the mnist sample looks like the following:
CPU uArch: Sandybridge
Cores/Threads: 8/8
Training ANN
Network shape: 784-128-10
Optimizer: Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Descent
Loss function: Categorical Cross-Entropy
Mini-batch size: 8
Training size: 60000 rows
Epoch 1/5
[====================] - loss: 0.4 - LR: 0.05
Epoch 2/5
[====================] - loss: 0.63 - LR: 0.047
Epoch 3/5
[====================] - loss: 0.15 - LR: 0.011
Epoch 4/5
[====================] - loss: 0.24 - LR: 0.016
Epoch 5/5
[====================] - loss: 0.44 - LR: 0.02
Training time: 20.000000 seconds, 0.066667 ms/step
Test accuracy: 86.98%
If you are not familiar with NN libraries and usage you may find it helpful to work with existing datasets which have well explored solution spaces.
To help with this, there are a number of freely available datasets for learning and practicing machine learning.