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Example Queries

Matthew Pope edited this page Sep 5, 2021 · 1 revision

Here are a set of queries that can pull interesting data.

Triple Doubles

Here is a simple way to pull triple doubles for a player

FROM player_game_log 
LEFT JOIN player ON player.player_id = player_game_log.player_id 
WHERE player.player_name = 'Russell Westbrook';

Shot Distance Relative To Seconds Remaining In A Period

	((minutes_remaining * 60) + seconds_remaining) as total_time_remaining,
from shot_chart_detail scd
left join player on player.player_id = scd.player_id
	player.player_name = 'LeBron James' and 
	scd.shot_made_flag = false and 
	period <= 4
order by total_time_remaining desc;

Shot Distance Relative To Seconds Remaining In A Game

This is similar to the query above, but we introduce a formula based on the period of the shot to calculate the seconds into the game that the shot was made:

minutes_in_period = 12 * 60

(minutes_in_period * (5 - period)) - (minutes_in_period - ((minutes_remaining * 60) + seconds_remaining))

With that in mind, here is the query:

	(12 * 60 * (5 - period)) - ((12 * 60) - ((minutes_remaining * 60) + seconds_remaining)) as total_time_remaining,
from shot_chart_detail scd
left join player on player.player_id = scd.player_id
	player.player_name = 'Stephen Curry' and 
	scd.shot_made_flag = true and 
	period <= 4
order by total_time_remaining desc;