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Adobe Kit Integration

This repository contains the Adobe integration for the mParticle Apple SDK.

Adding the integration

  1. Add the kit dependency to your app's package management file:

To send media data to Adobe, you must use CocoaPods or SPM since their SDKs do not support Carthage (iOS only)

pod 'mParticle-Adobe/AdobeMedia', '~> 8.0'

Otherwise, for the previous non-media Adobe integration, you can integrate via Carthage or CocoaPods (iOS and tvOS)

pod 'mParticle-Adobe/Adobe', '~> 8.0'


github "mparticle-integrations/mparticle-apple-integration-adobe" ~> 8.0
  1. Follow the mParticle iOS SDK quick-start, then rebuild and launch your app, and verify that you see "Included kits: { AdobeMedia }" or "Included kits: { Adobe }" or in your Xcode console

(This requires your mParticle log level to be at least Debug)

  1. Reference mParticle's integration docs below to enable the integration.


Adobe integration


Apache License 2.0