Created the classifer and confusion matrix as well as evaluate the accuracy, precision and recall Added narration but still needs to be proofread Discussion still needs to be written
Added narration to how we found our predictors + citations (also make sure to add set.seed (999) so we don't get different results everytime the code is ran)
Added a way to find a good subset of predictors
Got rid of rubric items and putting our response in an indented quote block
Added commentary of visuals and tables (in progress)
Intro should be done
Changed the visualization to compare multiple attributes to alcohol content The data was scaled and changed before plotting (through facet_wrap)
For preliminary data analysis... - Created a table that reports the number of observation in each attribute - Found the average of each attribute - Found the number of na (which is 0)
Did tidying of the data (just making wine a factor for future classification) Revised the introduction Split the wine_tidy data intro training and testing data so the training data can be summarized
Did some formatting and added in the stuff we needed to do, pls add ur student # in :)
Added student number, and Method & Expected Outcomes and Significance
Still need student number and the last part of expected outcomes and significance Also wrote my changes underneath