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This is a collection of custom ember-template-lint rules written for and used at Movable Ink.


Name Description
no-expression-like-strings Catch strings that you probably meant to be Handlebars expressions
no-forbidden-elements Catch <b>, <i> that you probably meant to be <strong>, <em> expressions
require-purgeable-class-names Require class names are written such that they can be detected by PurgeCSS
svg-aria-required Require all svgs to have aria label attributes


The following sets of rules are available for your ember-template-lint configuration to extend from:

Name Description
avoid-possible-typos Rules meant to catch possible typos in your templates
avoid-deprecated-elements Rules meant to catch <b> and <i> tags, use <strong> and <em>
svg-aria-required Rules meant to catch svgs without an aria-label or aria-labelledby
base The base set of rules used across all Movable Ink projects


Start with installing this package into your Ember application

yarn add -D @movable/template-lint-plugin

Then, include the plugin in your .template-lintrc.js

// .template-lintrc.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: ['@movable/template-lint-plugin'],

  extends: [
    // You can extend a whole set of rules

  rules: [
    // ... Or just the ones you want
    ('no-expression-like-strings': true),