A decentralised alternative to sign encrypted documents
This application allows documents to be uploaded encrypted with AES to ipfs and signed on the blockchain.
Compatible evm networks supported are Mumbai and Polygon mainnet.
Test it! https://opensigndapp.com
Starting using this dapp
If you have already installed Metamask, click on connect.
Don't you have it? No problem,check the official website:
If you want to test this app, you can do it asking MATIC on the mumbai faucet.
Check here:
Digital Ocean ubuntu server
Smart contract, web3 , ipfs
Solidity smart contract deployed on Mumbai testnet and Polygon Mainnet
Wagmi hooks
Ipfs node
The documents are encrypted with AES using crypto-js lib.
export function encrypt(msg, pass) {
var keySize = 256;
var iterations = 30000 + Math.round(pass.lenght * Math.random() * 66);
var salt = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(128 / 8);
var key = CryptoJS.PBKDF2(pass, salt, {
keySize: keySize / 32,
iterations: iterations
var iv = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(128 / 8);
var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(msg, key, {
iv: iv,
padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7,
mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC
var transitmessage = salt.toString() + iv.toString() + encrypted.toString();
return transitmessage;
This application is divided into 5 steps.
If you want to use this service, credits must be purchased.
The credit corresponds to the number of documents you can upload to ipfs and sign.
So 1 credit = 1 upload on ipfs = 1 signature
On the mumbai network it is possible to use the service up to three credits per address (in order to limit spam and/or indiscriminate use of the ipfs upload).
Here you must decide which document to upload and which password to use.
The longer and more complicated your password, the more secure the encryption on ipfs will be.
Don't forget your password, otherwise it will not be possible to recover the decrypted document.
Here you can sign the documents uploaded on step 2.
The button is not disabled if you have enabled it in step2.
During the process signing you will have to confirm two times
- the first time you confirm the ipfs link hashed which becomes the message to sign
- the second time you confirm the transaction on chain
Here you can decrypt an encrypted file over ipfs.
To do this you need the document code ( cid ).
You can paste it into the appropriate input, ping it, check then if you can see it encrypted in the browser clicking on the yellow link.
If you can see it, it means that you can download it by pressing the decrypt button.
Keep in mind that if it is the first time you download it from ipfs, it may take a few minutes until it is visible in the browser.
So keep the link https://ipfs.io/ipfs/CID-CODE loading long enough for the file to be found on the network.
Before continuing you should know how to connect
Here you can see the list of your past signatures.
Click on the button reload one or two times , if you don't see your signed docs.
You can copy the cid to decrypt it in step4.
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