Because the auth for enphase has been been changed to enlighten to tokens with only a 12 hour lifetime this docker application will do the following
- log into your enlighten account, then
- create a token, then
- use that token to authenticate with your envoy, then
- extract the data from the envoy and present it in a /metrics path
all of the actions above are cached for about 6 hours, so it wont spam enlighten with logins and token creations.
lastly and most importantly once a session is established with your envoy this will retreive data STRAIGHT FROM YOUR ENVOY, this means no ridiculous api fees form enlighten!
the container can be run like so, although I would suggest you store you token in a token file and run the environment with -e "ENPHASE_TOKEN=$(cat .tokenFile)" or with an environment file
docker run\
-p 8000:8000\
-e ENPHASE_HOST={ip_address_of_envoy}\
-e ENPHASE_EMAIL={enlighted_email}\
-e ENPHASE_PASSWORD={enlighten_password}\
-e ENPHASE_SITE={enlighten_site_name}\
-it mooseyman1988/enphase-prometheus
version: "3.6"
image: mooseyman1988/enphase-prometheus
container_name: enphase_exporter
- 8000:8000
- ENPHASE_HOST={ip_address_of_envoy}
- ENPHASE_EMAIL={enlighted_email}
- ENPHASE_PASSWORD={enlighted_email}
- ENPHASE_SITE={enlighten_site_name} #must be exact
- ENPHASE_TIMEOUT=20 # optional seconds to timeout
# or with an env file
# - .enphase.env
restart: unless-stopped