In the PRIIPs (Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products) regulation of the European Union (No. 1286/2014) the KID (Key Information Document) is defined as a measure to improve investor protection. The document specified in the regulation consists of at most three pages presenting the details of a financial product, a risk indicator, different scenarios for the behavior of the product over time, as well a disclosure of the costs inherent to the product. In the annexes the exact form of the document and the calculation methodologies are specified.
We implement the calculations/simulations for Category 2 and 3 KIDs. These are based on the following methodologies, resp. algorithms:
- Cornish Fisher expansion
- Monte-Carlo simulations
The GPU-based Monte-Carlo simulation framework is implemented in the programming language Futhark
The implementation is done the repository kid-annexes.
A generic, certified payoff language has been proposed in the following paper:
Danil Annenkov and Martin Elsman. Certified Compilation of Financial Contracts. In Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP’18). Frankfurt am Main, Germany. September 2018. PDF
The proposed language allows to generate payoff functions in Futhark that run on the GPU-based simulation engine for the KID calculations.
Historical data is loaded from Quandl. In order to use the Quandl API without restrictions, an API key has to be provided.
The documents are generated using LaTeX that are then compiled to a PDF document.
The dependency to kid-annexes needs to be established as follows:
$ cd src/fut
$ make pkgs
$ make
$ cabal build
The application server is started as follows. Optinally provide the Quandl API key on the command-line:
$ cabal run kid-exe -- -k <quandl-key>
Sample request:
$ curl -X POST --data '@test/example/contract.json' -H 'Accept: application/pdf' -H 'Content-type: application/json' -o kid.pdf http://localhost:8081/kid?lang=EN