Four legged robot URDF in Rviz and Gazebo Video
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Put the packages (spot, rrbot_control) in your work space
- build the work space
- then write this command
Run all from one launch
roslaunch spot one_for_all.launch
Or run them separately
launch the robot in gazebo
roslaunch spot dog_world.launch
launch the control files
roslaunch rrbot_control rrbot_control.launch
Run this script which send values to the joints
rosrun rrbot_control
Run the Subscriber
rosrun spot
i followed this tutorial
this repo contain examples which they use in the above tutorial
i followed this Tutorial: Using Gazebo plugins with ROS
the photo of mydog_camera
move the link with camera (done) with publisher
subscriber save images to folder simple subscriber
using the rostopic info /image_raw, i was able to know the type of the message
Writing a Simple Image Subscriber (C++)
the steps i took to approach this project
1- choose the Robot_Dog
2- draw simple sketch
3- build the urdf file
4- improve my urdf with xacro
5- launch on gazebo
6- make control
7- python script to publish
7- writing a good readme
book: Ros robotics by examples
- Do work in a separate branch, make pull request (PR) and put link to PR in the moodle. Let’s agreed to merge PR only after my review-grading.
- Add a camera sensor to one of your movable link.
- Implement a publisher that moves the link with a camera
- Implement a subscriber that saves images from a camera to files (the name should increment like pic1.png pic2.png etc).
- Add launch file to run all needed nodes.
- Make small video showing that all is working, not more than 20 sec.