This a project to implement and train a Deep Rl Agent to solve maze using Double deep q net.
1- Objective and Goal
2- How to train our own Agent
My goal here is to make an agent or a model that can start from any valid position in the grid maze and find the terminal or the goal point Marked with gray in the above grids the designed maze is flexible meaning we can change the start and goal position whenever we want and let the agent find the best route to reach goal taking the least number of steps even we changed start and end position after training the agent would still try to find the best route without any additional training .
you can use CLI to train the agent
python -h To show the available command
For example :
python --Episodes 15 --save_best_net True --path_net <your_path>
This command will train the agent for 15 Episodes with saving the best net weights during training specifying the path you want
The code below shows how to train your agent after optimizing the config file config.json from as you want or leave the default parameters
from Maze import *
from MazeSolver import *
import json
import time
with open('config.json','r') as file:
params = json.load(file)
the training params
Episodes=100 # num_episodes
show_maze= True
path_net = 'your_path.pb'
Agent = MazeAgent(**params['Agent'])
env = MazeEnv(**params['Maze'])
best_reward = -1e4
wins_losses = []
for e in range(Episodes):
start_time = time.time()
state = env.reset()
loss_hist = []
while True:
act = Agent.act(state)
next_st, reward, done, statue = env.observe(act)
Agent.cache(state, act, next_st, reward, done)
loss, q_item = Agent.learn()
state = next_st
if loss is not None and q_item is not None:
if done:
if best_reward < env.total_reward : # checking if total_reward is higher to save the net which made the biggest reward
best_reward = env.total_reward
if show_maze: # to show the path that the Agent made in the maze
if len(loss_hist) == 0:
loss_hist.append(1) # to avoid crashes in the code we append 1 during the first episodes of training as there is no loss to measure in this time
print(f"Episode : {e + 1} finished in :"
f" {(time.time() - start_time):.3f} secs with loss:{np.mean(loss_hist):.3f}, total_reward:{env.total_reward:.3f} taking steps: {env.steps} step\n")
num_wins = sum([i == 'win' for i in wins_losses])
num_losses = sum([i == 'loss' for i in wins_losses])
print(f"In {Episodes} episodes, the agent had won: {num_wins} times and lost: {num_losses} times.")