- maccy (clipboard Manager)
- iTerm2 (zsh)
- oh-my-zsh
- power10k
- zsh-autosuggestions
- Fig (auto completion on zsh)
- Alfred 5
- Rectangle
- Meeting Bar & Itsycal
- Charmstone
- Xnip
- Dozer (Menu Bar) or Bartender (pay)
alias code="subl"
alias zshconfig="subl ~/.zshrc"
alias ohmyzsh="subl ~/.oh-my-zsh/oh-my-zsh.sh"
alias ssh-wn24="ssh -F ~/.ssh/weltn24/config"
alias convertToMP4='(){ffmpeg -i $1 $(echo $1 | cut -d"." -f1).mp4}'
alias myrush="rush update && rush install && rush build"
alias ecs="aws ssm get-parameter --name "/frontend/api.ecs.proxy.basic_password" --with-decryption | jq -r .Parameter.Value | tee >(pbcopy)"
alias ls="ls -G -g"
- Codeium
- Conventional Commits
- GitToolbox
- Key Promoter X
- String Manipulation
- scss
/* ===================================================
Component: $cmp$
=================================================== */
/* ---------------------------------------------------
Global Styles
--------------------------------------------------- */
@mixin create-$cmpName$() {
.c-$cmpName$ {
- us
const [$PARAM$, set$PARAM2$] = useState($END$);
- uef
useEffect(()=>{$END$}, [$PARAM$]);
- props
const { $2$$END$ } = $1$;
- fn
const $NAME$ = ($PARAM$) => { $END$ };
- log
console.log('##$TEXT2$', $TEXT$);
- err
Include: file[<project>]:*/
Exclude: !file:*/dist//*
Connect Rules: $<ruleName>&&!file:test//*
BFF All src:
BFF All tests:
BFF Configurator:
BFF archive:
BFF author:
BFF section:
BFF documentation:
Funkotron: file:/&&!file:.js&&!file:.tsbuildinfo&&!file:target//&&!file:/dist//&&!file:*.css
Funkoton w/o tests: $Funkotron&&!file:test//&&!file:.spec*
git rebase -i HEAD~3
3 is the number of commits reordered. Opens editor where the oldest commits are on top.
--> Reorder lines, save and exit.
###Squash two non-consecutive commits
git rebase --interactive HEAD~4
Change the order like you wish and write squash/fixup to the commits you want to merge together.