This release bring convenience integrations to make
simple tasks such as extracting video features easy.
nvidia-docker based GPU Docker integration; we can
run self-contained reproducible images on GPUs now -
Provides 8 and 32 frame models and weights trained
on IG65M and optionally fine-tuned on Kinetics-400:
Adds Travis CI/CD integration for integration tests
Adds Docker registry integration allowing Travis to
build and push pre-built Docker images on success -
Upgrades to latest PyTorch 1.3 and torchvision 0.4.1
Provides easy to use video feature extraction tool
Provides semcode tool visualizing features over time
PyTorch Hub integration can be used from code as follows:
>>> import torch
>>> torch.hub.list("moabitcoin/ig65m-pytorch")
['r2plus1d_34_32_ig65m', 'r2plus1d_34_32_kinetics', 'r2plus1d_34_8_ig65m', 'r2plus1d_34_8_kinetics']
>>> model = torch.hub.load("moabitcoin/ig65m-pytorch", "r2plus1d_34_32_ig65m", num_classes=359, pretrained=True)
Pre-build Docker images for CPUs and GPUs (see all tags) can be used as follows:
docker run moabitcoin/ig65m-pytorch:latest-cpu --help
docker run --ipc=host -v $PWD:/data moabitcoin/ig65m-pytorch:latest-gpu \
extract /data/myvideo.mp4 /data/myfeatures.npy
docker run --runtime=nvidia --ipc=host -v $PWD:/data moabitcoin/ig65m-pytorch:latest-gpu \
extract /data/myvideo.mp4 /data/myfeatures.npy
🐌 Running on CPU(s)
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:16<00:00, 8.27s/it]
🍪 Done
extract: video feature extraction running in 🐌-mode on my year 2015 laptop
semcode: visualizing clip features over time for the Primer movie trailer; time goes top to bottom
Please provide feedback (good or bad 🍪) by means of opening issues or pull requests.
Done by the lovely folks from Berlin
Thanks and happy hacking!