This app is built with:
- Electron
- Quasar Framework
- VueJs
- Plenty of open source NodeJs projects (check package.json)
Tested on Windows and Mac (thank you Ryan @mesuva)
First intall the Quasar Framework from the command line (this installs it globally)
npm install -g quasar-cli
Then install all dependencies using NPM from within the project folder
npm install
Finally run the app in dev mode with the following command
quasar dev -m electron
Or build the executable for your system with the following command
quasar build -m electron
On Mac you might get an error message saying you also need to run the following command
npm install --save aws-sdk
This Electron desktop app lets you zip Concrete5 packages.
For now this is what it does:
You add as many Concrete5 roots as you want.
The app automatically lists all the packages for each root with their icon, name and handle.
You specify a destination folder or leave it on default.
When you select a package to zip, it is automatically copied to the destination folder in a "build" folder.
Some common files and folders are automatically ignored like .git, hidden files... And you can set your own exclusions.
The app checks the package for missing defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.")
and adds the missing ones. Any "vendor" folder in the package is automatically ignored for that step.
It then zips the package and puts it in a "release" folder inside the destination folder. The copy in the "build" folder is deleted.
So far the app has the following settings:
- the destination folder
- whether to delete the build folder after zipping up the package
- whether to add missing
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.")
- custom app-wide exclusions of specific files and folders and file extensions
- custom package exclusions of specific files and folders and file extensions
Add a button to open the destination folder easilyAdd an option to exclude more files and foldersAdd an option to exclude files and folders per packageAdd proper (sort of) icons for the app- Add an option to run Composer on the package
- Add an option to only check the package (no zipping) and give a detailed report
- Add the possibility to push the release to a GIT repository
- Add the possibility to upload it directly to the marketplace (possibly hacky)