This is a system for monitoring the completion of sidekiq jobs.
This will create a job, and will mark it as queued
post /api/v1/jobs
Which takes in the following parameters
parameter | description |
job_id | the sidekiq job_id |
arguments | the arguments used for the job |
job_class | the class used for the job |
queue | the queue for the job |
This uses the sidekiq job_id
to mark the job as having been started.
post /api/v1/jobs/:job_id/started
Which takes in the following parameters
parameter | description |
arguments | the arguments used for the job |
job_class | the class used for the job |
queue | the queue for the job |
This uses the sidekiq job_id
to mark the job as done.
post /api/v1/jobs/:job_id/complete
Which takes in the following parameters
parameter | description |
arguments | the arguments used for the job |
job_class | the class used for the job |
queue | the queue for the job |
These examples uses the Faraday gem to contact the supervior. Any means of making http request is fine.
Any application that queues jobs needs to have the following middleware to let the supervisor know that a job has been queued:
class JobQueued
def call(worker, job, queue, redis_pool)
response ="#{ENV.fetch("SIDEDIQ_SUPERVISOR_HOST")}/api/v1/jobs", {
job_id: job["jid"],
arguments: job["args"].to_json,
job_class: job["class"],
queue: queue
Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
config.client_middleware do |chain|
chain.add JobQueued
Each sidekiq worker (or server) needs to have the following middleware so they can check in or out with the supervisor.
class CheckInCheckOut
def call(worker, job, queue)
response ="#{ENV.fetch("SIDEKIQ_SUPERVISOR_HOST")}/api/v1/jobs/#{job["jid"]}/started", {
arguments: job["args"].to_json,
job_class: job["class"],
queue: queue
response ="#{ENV.fetch("SIDEKIQ_SUPERVISOR_HOST")}/api/v1/jobs/#{job["jid"]}/complete", {
arguments: job["args"].to_json,
job_class: job["class"],
queue: queue
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.server_middleware do |chain|
chain.add CheckInCheckOut
There is a JobManager
with methods that help manage jobs that have checked in
with the supervisor. Every method takes in an optional string that filters the
results based on if the string matches something in the arguments for the job.
bundle exec rails c
# Shows a list of jobs whose most recent status is "queued".
JobManager.queued_jobs("optional string")
# Shows a list of jobs whose most recent status is "started".
JobManager.uncompleted_jobs("optional string")
# Shows a list of jobs whose most recent status is "complete".
JobManager.completed_jobs("optional string")
# Shows a list of all jobs."optional string")
# Displays a list of jobs and how long it took for the job to go from queued to completed
JobManager.queued_to_completion_duration("optional string")
# Displays a list of jobs and how long it took for the job to go from started to completed
JobManager.completed_jobs_duration("optional string")
# Queues uncompleted jobs. Deletes the original job from the database.
# restart_uncompleted_jobs("optional string")
The route /sidekiq
goes to the sidekiq monitoring app.