Releases: mlc-ai/xgrammar
Releases · mlc-ai/xgrammar
Prerelease v0.0.3
v0.0.3 introduces these changes:
- Introduces TokenizerInfo to uniformly handle various tokenizers, including huggingface tokenizer, tiktoken and mlc-llm tokenizer-cpp.
- Introduces GrammarMatcherInitContext, an object that can be used to fast initialize multiple GrammarMatchers. A cache for GrammarMatcherInitContext called GrammarMatcherInitContextCache is introduces as well.
- Introduces WebAssembly bindings for web uses.
- Documents are refined for clearity.
Several new features and bug fixes are introduced as well.
Prerelease v0.0.2
The first pre-release version of xgrammar. Ensures basic functionality and provides good performance.