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Very simple raster format for julia

NOTE: All functionality of this package has been superceded by the Rasters.jl package - I recommend using that package instead

The VerySimpleRasters package allows you to open on-disk rasters as a memory-mapped file, and do simple data curation and abstraction methods on it. It currently uses the native .grd format of R's raster package and can import ESRI Ascii grids to that format. Further integration with GDAL is planned, which would allow for compatibility with all raster formats.

The VerySimpleRaster type is a simple wrapper around an mmapped Array with some metadata. All operations happen on disk, creating temporary on-disk copies. Providing the optional filename argument creates the copy permanently at the given path.

Currently available functions are:

For loading and writing files

  • VerySimpleRaster(filename) loads an R .grd file
  • importASCII(filename) imports an ESRI Ascii grid to a .grd file and opens it
  • writeraster(filename, raster) writes the raster as a .grd file

Raster operations

  • crop(raster, window [, filename]) crops the raster to a window
  • extract(raster, points) extracts the value of the raster at points
  • mask(raster, polygon [, filename]) masks the raster by a polygon
  • aggregate(raster, factor, fun [, filename]) aggregates the raster by merging factor cells in both directions, using aggregation function fun

Sample analysis

Load relevant packages and load a raster of global mean temperature

using VerySimpleRasters, Plots
default(seriescolor = :topo) #not the most correct choice of color
bio1 = VerySimpleRaster("temperature/bio1.grd")
# VerySimpleRaster{Float32} with 900 rows and 2160 columns
# Resolution: 0.16667, 0.16667
# Extent: -180.0 to 180.0 longitude, -60.0 to 90.0 latitude
# Projection: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
# Source file: /Users/michael/bio1.gri


skaermbillede 2019-01-29 kl 08 25 50

Crop the raster to a window

samerica = crop(bio1, (-80, -35, -60, 15))

skaermbillede 2019-01-29 kl 08 25 08

Extract part of the raster by a Shapefile polygon

This is more complicated, as Shapefile does not handle dbf files and easy subsetting. So we currently need to jump through some hoops. This will be improved in the future.

using Shapefile, DBFTables
shp = open("countries/CNTRY92.shp") do IO
    read(IO, Shapefile.Handle)
dbf = open("countries/CNTRY92.dbf") do IO
brazil = shp.shapes[dbf.NAME .== "Brazil"][1]

plot!(brazil, fa = 0, lc = :red)

Samerica with Brazil

Current issues: VerySimpleRasters doesn't yet know about Shapefiles. It just knows about polygons, and that they are a vector of Tuples, so first I have to extract the points as a Tuple. Also, this is a multipart polygon, so I define a function to only extract the first.

function splitpolygon(poly::AbstractVector{T}) where T<:Tuple
    ret = Vector{SubArray{T,1}}()
    current = 1
    while current < length(poly)
        next = findnext(x->x == poly[current], poly, current + 1)
        isnothing(next) && (next = length(poly))
        push!(ret, view(poly, current:next))
        current = next

bp = [(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in brazil.points]
brapolys = splitpolygon(bp)

Then I can mask it

brarast = mask(samerica, brapolys[1])
# VerySimpleRaster{Float32} with 450 rows and 270 columns
# Resolution: 0.16667, 0.16667
# Extent: -80.0 to -35.0 longitude, -60.0 to 15.0 latitude
# Projection: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
# Source file: /var/folders/b8/rvm2dk495f74088ssh9v2l8r0000gn/T/julianZEtiV.gri

Extract points from that new raster

First sample some random locations from the bounding box

minx, maxx = extrema(p[1] for p in bp)
miny, maxy = extrema(p[2] for p in bp)
x,y = minx.+(maxx-minx).*rand(50), miny.+(maxy-miny).*rand(50)

Then plot it and extract the value under the points

scatter!(x,y, shape = :+, msc = :red, legend = false)

Brazil with points

value = extract(brarast, x, y)
# 5-element Array{Union{Missing, Float32},1}:
#  269.0f0   
#  259.0f0   
#     missing
#  188.0f0   
#     missing

Aggregate values to a coarser resolution

Here we use the optional filename argument to keep the resulting raster in the working directory

using Statistics
bra_coarse = aggregate(brarast, 9, mean, "aggregate_result")



WIP - very simple raster format for juia







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