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Author: Tao Du. PhD student at MIT CSAIL.

Email: [email protected]



  • externals/ None of them are included by default. You need to use git submodule AND the script I provided to download and configure them.
    • eigen/: downloaded by {windows|linux|macos}
    • glew/: downloaded by {windows|linux|macos}
    • glfw/: git submodule at 3.2.1.
    • imgui/: git submodule at v1.50.
    • stb/: git submodule at master.
  • projects/
    • opengl_viewer/: a 3D viewer written in modern OpenGL (>= 3.3). Currently support point lights (static and dynamic), objects (static and dynamic), textures and soft shadows.
    • test_opengl_viewer/: provides two sample scenes to show the usage of this library:
      • checkerboard/: texture, moving lights and objects, soft shadows.
      • point_light_shadow/: only for testing the shadow map is correct.
  • resources/:
    • textures/: images used in the sample scenes.
    • meshes/: sample object files.

How to download:

Open your Git shell (Windows) / terminal (Linux and macOS) and type:

git clone --recursive

Navigate to the folder and run the bash script corresponding to your system:

cd opengl_viewer

For windows:


For linux:


For macOS:


How to build

Windows (Windows 10 64bit + Visual Studio 2017)

  • Create an empty build folder under the root directory of this project.
  • Open CMake and set this folder as the source folder.
  • Click "Configure", then "Generate", then "Open Project".
  • Press F7 to build. Hopefully no errors will occur.
  • Run test_opengl_viewer with proper input arguments (you can find them in test_opengl_viewer.cpp).

Ubuntu (Ubuntu 16.04 64bit LTS + gcc 4.9.0)

  • Make sure you have OpenGL and dependency libraries installed:
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev xorg-dev
sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa libglu1-mesa-dev
  • Use CMake to build (assuming you are in the root directory):
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
cd projects/test_opengl_viewer
./test_opengl_viewer checkerboard

macOS (Sierra 10.12.3 + AppleClang 8.1.0)

Pretty much the same as Linux except that you don't need to install libraries:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
cd projects/test_opengl_viewer
./test_opengl_viewer checkerboard

(Optional) Python binding

(This has only been tested on Ubuntu 16.04.)

Navigate to the root folder, then

cd python

You can then run some example scripts:


How to use

There are two ways to integrate this library into your own project: you can either build and compile the libraries, then manually include headers and link libraries. Alternativaly, if you use CMake in your own project, you can add this library as a subdirectory so that it can be integrated into your project seamlessly. Below are the details of the two methods:

Manually adding header and linking libraries

  • Read "How to build" to generate opengl_viewer.lib. You should be able to find it in your build folder. Add this library in your project.

  • Add the following include path in your project:

  • To use the library, simply include opengl_viewer.h. You can find sample code in the test_opengl_viewer project.

Using CMake to integrate the library

Below we use YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT to refer to the root folder of your own project. Normally it is also the folder where your top-level CMakeLists.txt is.

  • Use git clone, git submodule or simply copy and paste to put the whole library folder into your own project. Assume you want to put this library in a folder YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/externals/opengl_viewer:

    • If you are using git:
      mkdir externals
      cd externals
      git clone --recursive https://github/mit-gfx/opengl_viewer.git
    • If you use git submodule:
      git submodule add https://github/mit-gfx/opengl_viewer.git
  • In your root CMakeLists.txt, use the following command to add include directories:

    set(OPENGL_VIEWER_ROOT ${YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT}/externals/opengl_viewer)
  • In your own project, use the following command to add the include path: include_directories(${OPENGL_VIEWER_HEADER})

  • Use the following command in your project to link the library: target_link_libraries(your_project opengl_viewer)

  • We have provided a sample CMakeLists.txt in projects/test_opengl_viewer/ for your reference.