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Mission Peace edited this page Nov 1, 2016
4 revisions
- A vertex in an undirected connected graph is an articulation point (or cut vertex) iff removing it (and edges through it) disconnects the graph. ArticulationPoint.java
- Find shortest path from one vertex to all vertex using bellman ford algorithm - BellmanFordShortestPath.java
- Binary max heap - BinaryMaxHeap.java
- Binary min heap - BinaryMinHeap.java
- A Bipartite Graph is a graph whose vertices can be divided into two independent sets, U and V such that every edge (u, v) either connects a vertex from U to V or a vertex from V to U - BiparteGraph.java
- Design a game of boggle - Boggle.java
- An edge in an undirected connected graph is a bridge iff removing it disconnects the graph. Given a graph find all bridges in this graph - Bridge.java
- Given two words of equal length convert first word to second word in such a way that all intermediate words are in dictionary - ConvertOneWordToAnother.java
- Find cycle in directed graph - CycleInDirectedGraph.java
- Find cycle in undirected graph - CycleUndirectedGraph.java
- Given a directed acyclic graph(DAG) find shortest path from one vertex to all vertices - DAGShortestPathTopological.java
- Given a graph with weighted edges, find shortest path from one vertex to all vertices - DijkstraShortestPath.java
- Given a directed graph, return true if you can reach every node of graph from any node else false - DirectedGraphConnectivity.java
- Given a graph, tell if it is eulirian, semi eulirian or non eulirian - EulerianPathAndCircuit.java
- Given a 2D matrix of Xs and Os, convert all Os to Xs if it is surrounded by Xs - FillOsWIthXsIfSurroundedByXs.java
- Flood fill algorithm - FloodFillAlgorithm.java
- All pair shortest path using flyod warshall algorithm - FloydWarshallAllPairShortestPath.java
- Given a directed graph with source and end point, find maximum flow from source to end - FordFulkerson.java
- Graph basic data structure - Graph.java
- Given a graph, color each vertex such that neighboring vertex does not have same color - GraphColoring.java
- BSF and DFS graph traversal - GraphTraversal.java
- Given a graph, find hamiltonian cycle in the graph if it exists. Hamiltonian cycle in undirected graph starts and ends at same point and traverses each vertex exactly once - HamiltonianCycle.java
- Find minimum spanning tree using Krushkal's algorithm - KrushkalMST.java
- A matching in a Bipartite Graph is a set of the edges chosen in such a way that no two edges share an endpoint - MaximumBiparteMatching.java
- Given a graph of 0s and 1s, find total number of islands of 1s - NumberOfIsland.java
- Given a graph, find total number of triangles in the graph - NumberofTriangles.java
- Prim's algorithm for minimum spanning tree - PrimMST.java
- Print all paths from source to destination in undirected graph - PrintAllPathFromSourceToDestination.java
- Given a directed graph, find strongly connected components of the graph - StronglyConnectedComponent.java
- Given a directed acyclic graph, sort is topologically - TopologicalSort.java
- Given a directed graph, find out if a vertex j is reachable from another vertex i for all vertex pairs (i, j) in the given graph - TransitiveClosure.java
- Clone directed graph - CloneDirectedGraph.java
- Disjoint set using path compression and union by rank DisjointSet.java
- Given a 2D floor plan of empty spaces, walls and multiple exits. Find distance of every empty space to closest exit. ShortestDistanceFromExit.java
- Tarjan's strongly connected component - TarjanStronglyConnectedComponent.java
- Tarjan's algorithm to find all simple cycles in directed graph - AllCyclesInDirectedGraphTarjan.java
- Johnson's algorithm for finding all cycles in directed graph - AllCyclesInDirectedGraphJohnson.java
- Traveling salesman problem using Held Karp Dynamic programming method - TravelingSalesmanHeldKarp.java
- Given a graph representing tree find minimum height tree - MinimumHeightTree.java
- Wall and gates question - WallsAndGates.java
- Schedule courses with prerequisites - CourseSchedule.java
- Evaluate division b/w parameters given existing divisions - EvaluateDivison.java