API which handles installing and uninstallin Satisfactory mods, mod loader, and more.
- Find the Satisfactory game installed through multiple stores
- Easily install mods and their dependencies
- Checks for compatibility between mods, their dependencies, and the game version
- Independent mod profiles that can be exported/imported
- Files are cached so uninstalling and reinstalling a mod takes no time
import { getInstalls, createProfile } from 'satisfactory-mod-manager-api';
getInstalls().then(async ({ installs, invalidInstalls }) => {
const gameInstall = installs[0];
await gameInstall.installMod('AreaActions'); // Install the latest compatible version
await gameInstall.installMod('RefinedPower', '1.0.0'); // Or a specific version
await gameInstall.setProfile('vanilla'); // Mods cannot be installed in the vanilla profile
await gameInstall.installMod('UtilityMod'); // So this will throw an error
await gameInstall.setProfile('modded'); // Change back to the default "modded" profile
createProfile('newProfile'); // But other profiles can be created too, either empty
createProfile('newProfile2', 'modded'); // Or copying the contents of an existing one
await gameInstall.setProfile('newProfile2'); // Switch to the newly created profile
console.log(gameInstall.mods); // Print the list of installed mods (AreaActions)
await gameInstall.disableMod('AreaActions'); // Now the list will be empty, since the mod
console.log(gameInstall.mods); // is disabled, thus not in the game directory