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Multiple Authentication eXchange (MAX) - OIDC to SAML


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System summary

Multiple Authentication eXchange (MAX, formerly inge6) is build as a bridge between an OIDC client and a TVS (Toegang Verlenings Service). In this case the TVS could be DigiD or any other authentication method provider that is exposed through the nl-uzi-login-controller. To clarify, this means that any authentication methods other than DigiD, will pass from MAX through the login controller (DigiD Mock included). Functionally this means that MAX allows an end-user to login into DigiD and provides the app with a token, which can be used to retrieve the BSN of that same end-user. This BSN can be used in different ways depending on your use case. For instance, it was used for the CoronaCheckApp signing service to retrieve the related vaccination and test data from the existing provider. MAX is also capable of exchanging an encrypted BSN for properties from an external register. This functionality is used in the UZI project, where it exchanges the BSN for data from the UZI register.

In the diagram below you can see the flow of the first use case (token based). An overview of the used endpoints can also be found in the /docs/

system overview Throughout the first part of the flow (after /authorize), the call is directly linked to some randstate (generated directly after the first call). The latter part of the flow that same user is linked using the generated code coupled to that randstate. Using these random state parameters we track the user throughout the complete flow, and separate that user from other users interacting with the system *IdPx is an identity provider *RD-BC is the (hidden) IdPx Backend providing the artifacts

If you are not familiar with OIDC (OpenID Connect), you can find more about it in broad terms on the OIDC website. More specifically we are using the PKCE flow (RFC 7636) , which is visualized in the diagram below. The diagram is taken from this medium blog post where you can read a more thorough explanation.

                                          | Authz Server (MAX)|               
+--------+                                | +---------------+ |
|        |--(A)- Authorization Request ---->|               | |
|        |       + t(code_verifier), t_m  | | Authorization | |
|        |                                | |    Endpoint   | |
|        |<-(B)---- Authorization Code -----|               | |
|  OIDC  |                                | +---------------+ |            
| Client |                                |                   |
|        |                                | +---------------+ |
|        |--(C)-- Access Token Request ---->|               | |
|        |          + code_verifier       | |     Token     | |
|        |                                | |    Endpoint   | |
|        |<-(D)------ Access Token ---------|               | |
+--------+                                | +---------------+ |
                                               |         ^
                                               |         |
                                               ∀         |
                                          |        TVS        |
                                          |   e.g. DigiD or   |
                                          | login-controller  |


If you are looking to set up MAX locally as part of the UZI project, please refer to the instructions in the nl-rdo-uzi-coordination repository. For more in depth set up documentation specifically for MAX you can check the /docs/ Otherwise, you can read the documentation below for the basics:

As MAX is a OIDC <-> SAML bridge, one has to have files for both. Each file is described below. Further, one needs to create an max.conf to define all settings. An example is found in max.conf.example with the corresponding explanations. To make use of all default settings, a single run of make setup should be sufficient. Allowing you to run the service on all default settings.

Setup Identity Provider (IDP) Metadata

To use DigiD or TVS you first need to download the metadata. During setup this is done in the make setup or make metadata step. This can manually be done using curl or another downloading tool. The URLs for the pre-production environment are included below as a reference.

curl "" --output saml/digid/metadata/idp_metadata.xml
curl "" --output saml/tvs/metadata/idp_metadata.xml

JWT keys

MAX needs two keys to encrypt and sign the JWT containing the BSN details. This is an Ed25519 keypair on MAX's part, and a X25519 keypair for the requesting party. The requesting party would be inge4 in the case of the CoronaCheck app and the nl-uzi-login-controller for the UZI project. To generate an Ed25519 keypair one can perform the following code:

import base64
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519 import Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed25519PublicKey
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization

# To generate a new key
privkey = Ed25519PrivateKey.generate()
privkey_bytes = privkey.private_bytes(

# print base64 private key
base64_privkey = base64.b64encode(privkey_bytes)

# To load a key from a base64 encoded key
privkey_bytes = base64.b64decode(base64_privkey)
privkey = Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(privkey_bytes)

# To get the pubkey
pubkey_bytes = privkey.public_key().public_bytes(
base64_pubkey = base64.b64encode(pubkey_bytes)

The code is identical for creating a X25519 key, but then just needs a different import (and use the similar classes for loading and generation of the keys):

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519 import X25519PrivateKey, X25519PublicKey

Ubuntu dependencies

13/07/2023: Most likely still needed but can not confirm since I am running MacOS. Please update accordingly.
Some Ubuntu dependencies that should be installed: libxmlsec1-dev pkg-config

Using the ratelimiter

To activate an overflow IDP, secondary IDP when primary is too busy, the following settings should be configured in the max.conf settings.

Further redis expects the keys configured in the config to have a valid value. The keys expected to be set are defined in the config under the following names:

  • primary_idp_key
  • user_limit_key (if there is a user limit to be handled by the ratelimiter)

Optionally, to enable ratelimit overflow, extra keys are expected to be set. The names of these keys are defined in the config under the following config names:

  • overflow_idp_key
  • user_limit_key_overflow_idp (if there is a user limit on the overflow idp to be handled by the ratelimiter)

Using the mock environment

For development purposes we have created a 'mock' to retrieve a JWT Token for arbitrary BSNs. This is only available when digid_mock has been added to the login_methods in the max.conf and the set environment does not start with 'prod'. Note that in the case of environment = production the option will still show up, but under the hood it will disable the mock (taken from the handle_assertion_consumer_service method in the SAMLProvider class):

if (
    not self._environment.startswith("prod")
    and authentication_context.authentication_method == "digid_mock"
    artifact_response: ArtifactResponse = ArtifactResponseMock(request.SAMLart)
    artifact_response = identity_provider.resolve_artifact(request.SAMLart)

Configuring this adds a DigiD Mock option to the "login method chooser page". When clicking this option a simple page will show with an input element in which you can enter your desired BSN value. You can then simply press "login". It will then try to retrieve mock data based on this BSN from the mock_register.json in the nl-uzipoc-register-api repository. When this is successful your login will be complete and allow for the same functionality as any of the other methods.

It is the responsibility of the client to generate a unique code_verifier and code_challenge pair. To make sure that the code_verifier is cryptographically secure one should use the following definition (as defined in:

code_verifier = high-entropy cryptographic random STRING using the
unreserved characters [A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
from Section 2.3 of [RFC3986], with a minimum length of 43 characters
and a maximum length of 128 characters.

To find the code in this library used for verifying the code_verifier and code_challenge pair, have a look at the code snippet highlighted in the following github permalink:

def _compute_code_challenge(code_verifier: str):
Given a code verifier compute the code_challenge. This code_challenge is computed as defined (
code_challenge = BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII(code_verifier))).
This shows that the SHA256 of the ascii encoded code_verifier is URLSafe base64 encoded. We have adjusted the encoding to the ISO_8859_1 encoding,
conform to the AppAuth SDK for Android and IOS. Moreover, we remove the base64 padding (=).
:param code_verifier: the code verifier to transform to the Code Challenge
verifier_hash = nacl.hash.sha256(
code_verifier.encode("ISO_8859_1"), encoder=URLSafeBase64Encoder
return verifier_hash.decode().replace("=", "")
def verify_code_verifier(cc_cm: Dict[str, str], code_verifier: str) -> bool:
Verify that the given code_verifier complies with the initially supplied code_challenge.
Only supports the SHA256 code challenge method, plaintext is regarded as unsafe.
:param cc_cm: the initially supplied Code Challenge Code challenge Method dictionary
:param code_verifier: the code_verfier to check against the code challenge.
:returns: whether the code_verifier is what was expected given the cc_cm
code_challenge_method = cc_cm["code_challenge_method"]
if not code_challenge_method == "S256":
return False
code_challenge = _compute_code_challenge(code_verifier)
return code_challenge == cc_cm["code_challenge"]

This snippet verifies the pair as defined in

Development & Contribution process

The development team works on the repository in a private fork (for reasons of compliance with existing processes) and shares its work as often as possible.

If you plan to make non-trivial changes, we recommend to open an issue beforehand where we can discuss your planned changes. This increases the chance that we might be able to use your contribution (or it avoids doing work if there are reasons why we wouldn't be able to use it).

Note that all commits should be signed using a gpg key.


Security issues can be reported through a github issue, at [email protected], or through the

Logging and monitoring

The Logging/monitoring of data processing are, on the one hand, important measures to detect, among other things, unauthorized access to personal data. On the other hand, Logging/monitoring constitutes new processing of personal data, with associated privacy risks. Therefore, the question of how logging/monitoring should be set up requires consideration.

With regard to this application, the choice has been made not to log data processing because:

  • Processing of personal data within this application takes place encrypted.
  • Users do not have access to personal data processed within this application, and they cannot undo the encryption.
  • Logging of data processing within this application is not necessary in light of the obligation of healthcare providers to be able to comply with their obligation to record actions related to the electronic patient record.

Docker containers

Docker containers and their configurations are meant to be used for development purposes only. And not meant to be used in a production setup.