This is a JavaScript library for generating PDFs for (static) Dutch domestic
and european
signed proofs.
Use this repository's git:
URL to install the package in your project:
npm install ""
with the tag name of the latest release.
Usage in Node.js requires polyfills for atob
and DOMParser
. Be sure to polyfill these before require
ing or import()
ing from nl-covid19-coronacheck-web-pdf-tools
E.g. using jsdom
const JSDOM = require("jsdom").JSDOM;
const jsdomWindow = new JSDOM().window;
global.atob = jsdomWindow.atob;
global.DOMParser = jsdomWindow.DOMParser;
const { parseProofData, getDocument } = require("nl-covid19-coronacheck-web-pdf-tools");
Note: when using ES modules, it's important to use the async import()
, as static import
s would cause the code to be evaluated at load time, before the polyfills are installed.
Please refer to the upgrade guide
This project is licensed under the EUPL-1.2