This tool enables the user to view and edit the configuration of asset bundles for their Unity project. It will block editing that would create invalid bundles, and inform you of any issues with existing bundles. It also provides basic build functionality.
This tool is intended to replace the current workflow of selecting assets and setting their asset bundle manually in the inspector. It can be dropped into any Unity project with a version of 5.6 or greater. It will create a new menu item in Window->AssetBundle Browser Plus.
Added BuildMap to group different version assets (right-click to Create/AssetBundle Broswer Plus/Bundle Build Map Asset).
When switch data source will not auto reload AssetDatabase, you will see Configure tab will appear exclamation mark messages but doesn't matter. If you want reload AssetDatabase by build map, you just manual press refresh button in left-top (If you have many assets will take a long time for reloading).
When switch data source if has exclamation mark messages you can right-click on bundle tree to refresh a specific bundle more efficiency (don't need to refresh all), and you have changed asset path, rename asset name, delete asset from project you can also right-click to refresh.
※Remark : If any asset change path, change name, delete asset from project when refresh will use Levenshtein Distance algorithm to compare and replace it.
When enabled sync feature can sync asset data to other BuildMap (recommend refresh specific a bundle instead of refresh all).
// your BundleBuildMap assetPath.
string assetPath = "Assets/BuildMaps/MyBundleMap.asset"
// load BundleBuildMap
var bundleBuildMap = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<BundleBuildMap>(assetPath);
if (bundleBuildMap == null)
Debug.Log($"Error in LoadAssetAtPath: {assetPath}");
// output path
string outputDirectory = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, $"../AssetBundles/MyBundle");
// platform
BuildTarget target = BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows;
// LZ4
BuildAssetBundleOptions options = BuildAssetBundleOptions.ChunkBasedCompression;
// including extend options
ExtendBuildAssetBundleOptions extdOptions = ExtendBuildAssetBundleOptions.None;
extdOptions |= ExtendBuildAssetBundleOptions.WithoutManifest;
// choose one [ReplaceByHash] or [Md5ForBundleName]
// extdOptions |= ExtendBuildAssetBundleOptions.ReplaceByHash;
// extdOptions |= ExtendBuildAssetBundleOptions.Md5ForBundleName
// rename manifest (if set it empty or null will not to do)
string renameManifest = "myManifest";
// execute regular build
BundleBuildMap.BuildAssetBundles(outputDirectory, bundleBuildMap.GetBuildMap(), options, target);
// execute extend build
BundleBuildMap.BuildAssetBundles(outputDirectory, bundleBuildMap.GetBuildMap(), options, target, extdOptions, renameManifest);
- Rename Manifest : after build completes, will rename main manifest file.
WithoutManifest : after build remove manifest file from build folder.
ReplaceByHash : after build load manifest from build folder to read hash to replace.
Md5ForBundleName : after build get file name to make a md5 and to replace it.
※Remark : If use custom build tool for extend option ReplaceByHash or Md5ForBundleName choose one.
Add to Package Manager.
The package is available on the openupm registry. It's recommended to install it via openupm-cli.
openupm add
See the official manual page or view the included project manual page