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A small, yet powerful typed and structured config library with lambda support for things like AWS Secrets Manager. Written in Typescript.

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A small, yet powerful typed and structured config library with lambda support for things like AWS Secrets Manager. Written in Typescript. Sponsored by Aeroview.

🔒 Out-of-the-box Typescript support

  • Turn your runtime errors into safer compile-time errors! Automatically generated Typescript type definition for configuration object

😃 Simple & Easy to Use

  • All settings are in simple, easily readable & logic free .json files.
  • Highly structured. Any override must satisfy Partial<DefaultConfig>
  • Enforces a simple and sensible folder structure
  • Limited yet powerful feature set with clean documentation
  • Small, simple, and modular codebase written in Typescript with no dependencies.

💪 Flexible & Powerful

  • Provides for overrides via CLI without polluting the CLI argument namespace
  • Differentiates between concepts such as environment, deployment, and user and provides an out-of-the-box solution with sensible merge strategy
  • Fast. Runtime processing is done during app initialization only.
  • Put environment variables directly into .json files

🤖 Lambda Support

  • Works with AWS Secrets Manager, AWS Parameter Store, HashiCorp Vault, or custom dynamic lambda functions
  • Any custom logic can go here, keeping your config files logic-free
  • Provides an easy sharable and reusable plugin interface for sharing or re-use

Table of Contents

Installation & Setup

1. Install from npm

npm i lambdaconf

2. Create conf directory

Create a directory called conf in the root of your project. This is where your configuration will go, along with the generated Conf.d.ts TypeScript Declaration File.

If you will be using the Environment, User, or Deployment merge strategies, you will need to create those folders within conf as environments, users, and deployments, respectively.

Here's an example conf folder:

└── conf/
    └── deployments
        └── test.acme.json
    └── environments
        └── development.json
        └── production.json
    └── users
        └── john.json
    └── default.json

3. Create your configuration files

At a minimum, default.json is required at the root of your conf folder.

See full configuration rules, merge strategy, and reference the example folder structure above.

4. Typescript Configuration (tsconfig.json)

Make sure the generated conf/Conf.d.ts file will be picked up by your Typescript parser. One way to do this is by including it in your include directive like so:


If you're using ts-node, it might help to add the following:

"ts-node": {
  "files": true

5. Call lambdaconf

Whenever your configuration changes, you'll need to run the lambdaconf executable to build the type declaration file. One option is to add the following to your package.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "prepare": "lambdaconf"

To run this manually, you can run npx lambdaconf.


Example Configuration File


  "foo": "bar",
  "fruits": ["apples", "oranges"],
  "thingEnabled": false,
  "maxFruits": 123,
  "wow": {
    "foo": "bar"

You can also use loaders or environment variables.

Configuration Rules

  • default.json is required, everything else is optional. Recommended practice is that default.json contains all of your "local development" settings.

  • All configuration files must be a subset of default.json. Think of them simply as overrides to the default. In Typescript terms, conf files must be of type Partial<Conf>.

  • A property's type should not change simply because of a different environment, user, or deployment. This is basically saying the same as above.

  • Loaders that are used on the same property in different files should all return the same type (again, same as above).

  • Arrays should be homogenous (not of mixed types).

Loading the Configuration

You must first load the config, which resolves any loaders and performs the merge.

We strongly recommend you call loadConf() before your app starts, ie, during initialization, before app.listen(), etc..This will cache the configuration so there will be no performance penalty.

Either way, the configuration will only load once, as it will be cached.

import {loadConf, getConf} from "lambdaconf";

loadConf().then(() => {

    //start server, etc.
    console.log(getConf()); // outputs config object


Getting the Config Object

Once loaded, use getConf to access:

import {getConf} from "lambdaconf";

const conf = getConf(); // type of Conf is inferred

console.log(conf); // logs config object

const isFooBarEnabled: boolean =; // Typescript error if does not exist or type mismatch

If you need the type interface, you can import it:

import {Conf} from "lambdaconf";

Configuration Merge Strategy

Configurations are merged in this order, with the later ones overriding the earlier ones:

  1. default.json
  2. environment file
  3. deployment file
  4. user file
  5. CLI overrides

Which of these sources to choose depends on the presence of certain process.env configuration variables:

process.env conf file
NODE_ENV /conf/environments/[NODE_ENV].json
DEPLOYMENT /conf/deployments/[DEPLOYMENT].json
USER /conf/users/[USER].json

A few notes:

  • OVERRIDE must be valid JSON. Learn more
  • USER is usually provided by default by UNIX environments (try console.log(process.env.USER))
  • Loaders parameters are simply replaced, not merged. A loader instance is treated as a primitive.
  • Arrays are simply replaced, not merged.

Using CLI Overrides

You can use the OVERRIDE environment variable to override properties via CLI. OVERRIDE must be valid JSON. Example:

OVERRIDE="{\"a\": {\"b\": \"q\"}}" ts-node src/index.ts

When using with npm scripts, it might be useful to use command substitution like so:

   "start": "OVERRIDE=$(echo '{\"postgres\": \"localhost\"}') ts-node src/index.ts"

This is especially useful if you want to make use of environment variables (notice the extra single quotes):

   "start": "OVERRIDE=$(echo '{\"postgres\": \"'$DATABASE_URL'\"}') ts-node src/index.ts"

⚠️ Use caution! CLI overrides are not checked by Typescript's static type checking, and there is currently no runtime type checking feature. Feel free to submit an issue or PR if you want this.

Environment Variables in Config Files

You can use environment variables as values by wrapping it in ${...}. For example, to use environment variable FOO, use ${FOO}. This will translate to process.env.FOO. These will always be typed as strings. Example config file:

  "foo": "${FOO}"


Loaders are lambda functions (the real kind, not AWS Lambdas 😛) that are called during startup (run-time). A great example of this is fetching API keys from AWS Secrets Manager.

Loaders are run once during the type declaration build step (compile-time), and once while the configuration is loading (run-time). They can be normal functions or use async/await/Promise.



  "foo": {
    "[foo]": {
      "a": "demo"
  "bar": {
    "[add10]": 42


import {loadConfig, getConf} from "lambdaconf";

const loaders = {
    foo: (params: {a: string}) => Promise.resolve(`foo_${a}`),
    add10: (val: number) => number + 10,

    .then(() => {
        console.log(getConf().foo); // "foo_demo"
        console.log(getConf().bar); // 52
        //start server, etc.


Loader functions must extend (params: any) => any. If helpful, you can import the Loader type like so:

import type {Loader} from 'lambdaconf';

In a conf file, any object with a single property matching the pattern /^\[.*\]$/ ([...]) is assumed to call a loader. If a matching loader is not found, it will throw a LoaderNotFound error.

Recommended Best Practices

  • default.json should contain all of your local development settings, and then "progressively enhance" from there.
  • Include loadConf().then(...) or await loadConf() in your startup process before your server starts listening (ie, before app.listen()).
  • Create all of the merge folders (ie. deployments) even if you're not using them.
  • Use AWS Secrets Manager or Hashicorp Vault to store your sensitive information and use a loader to load them.


You can set the LAMBDA_CONF_DEBUG environment variable to see debug output. Example:

LAMBDA_CONF_DEBUG=1 ts-node src/index.ts

‼️ Use with caution! This may output sensitive information to the console.

Known Issues

  1. Some IDEs (particularly IntelliJ/Webstorm) occasionally have some issues with caching of the generated Conf.d.ts file (which is stored in your conf folder). If you run into this problem, restarting your TS service.

Support, Feedback, and Contributions

  • Star this repo if you like it!
  • Submit an issue with your problem, feature request or bug report
  • Issue a PR against main and request review. Make sure all tests pass and coverage is good.
  • Write about lambdaconf in your blog, tweet about it, or share it with your friends!


Want to sponsor this project? Reach out to me via email.


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