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# Typical maddump session
# autocompletation is available using the 'tab' key

#start maddump from the shell in the madgraph directory.
./bin/mg5_aMC --mode=maddump

#    Generation of the process    #
# importing the BSM model
import model XXX

# for prompt production
# [process] is any allowed process in madgraph given the model XXX
# for example p p > DM DM~
generate production [process]

# for meson decays
# 1. import the events to be decayed
# notice: the input events file must contained the extension hepmc/lhe or
# hempm.gz/lhe.gz if it is gzipped
# 2. specify the decay you are interested in
# for example pi0 > DM DM~ a 
import_events decay [path]
decay [process]

# add the DM-detector interaction process
# allowed DM-detector interaction [channel]are 'DIS' and 'electron'
# 1. define the darkmatter candidate
# [DM] particle allowed by the model
# 2. add the interaction specifying the channel
# notice: it is possible to add both the channel for the same production
# mechanism invoking two times the add command
define darkmatter [DM]
add process interaction @[DIS]

# output your process
# structure of output dir, subdirs:
# 1. Cards: contains the common input cards for the run
# 2. production: for the prompt production process
# 3. interactio_[channel]: for the interaction process in channel [channel]
output [output_dir]

# launch the job (when you restart your maddump session, you can
# launch a previous generated process just adding the name of the
# output directory

launch [outpur_dir]

# Question for setting parameters #
# After launch command, an interactive session starts in which
# the user is asked to set the most important parameters of the
# run. Parameter setting can be done in two ways:
# 1. opening the corresponding input card inside the default editor (usual vi) 
# 2. using the command set which generic syntax is 
     set [param] [value]

# Input cards:
# a) param_card.dat: it contains the parameters of the current model
#                    in particular: couplings, masses, widths
# -  the scan function works in association with param_card only
#    in order to have a one-dimensional scan use
#    set [param] scan:[range]
#    where range is whatever python expression which gives a list of values
#    for example:
#    set mt scan: [172,172.5,173]
#    set mt scan: [172+i*0.5 for i in range(4)]
# -  the auto-width function works in association with param_card only
#    it computes (at tree-level) the partial widths and the total width for
#    a given group of particles
#    to activate it, just set the corresponding width to auto with the command
#    set [width_particle] auto
#    or just editing the param_card.dat

# b) fit2D_card.dat: it contains the parameters for the 2D fitter 
#                    including the description of the shape of the detectors
#    Scan and auto-width do not work with this card. The syntax for the set
#    is as usual
#    set [param] [value]
#    Some remarks on the parameters in this card
#    units: all lenghts in cm, xsec in pb
#    - flux_norm: in order to have the final result normalized as number of
#                 events for the whole experiment data taking, set this as
#                 follows:
#                 - prompt case: total number of DM events
#                   npot * A^alpha / xsec_pp_everything(in pb)
# 		    npot = number of proton on target
#                   A = mass number target particles
#                   alpha = scaling power (DM nucleon/ p nucleon)
#                 - decay : npot
#    - prod_xsec_in norm: if true, the production xsec is included in the  
#                         the nonrmalization facctor. This should be set to
#                         True in case of promt production and to False 
#			  in case of decay
#    The other options allow to select the detector setup: off-axis or 
#    on-axis (for a cylindrical or parallelepipedal shape of the detector)
#    For the off-axis case the user must supply the following parameters: 

# naive off-axis configuration (and radial cylidrical configuration)  
     off_axis        =  True ! select off-axis mode 
     thetac          =  XXX  ! angular coordinate  of the cone wrt the beam axis in rad
     theta_aperture  =  XXX  ! angular aperture of the cone in rad
     off_axis_depth  =  XXX  ! cone depth in cm 

#    which correspond to a truncated cone-shaped detector in the thetac direction,
#    aperture theta_aperture, and depth off_axis_depth. 
#    To describe the actual shape of the detector, the user can proceed as follows:
#    - consider a truncated cone-shaped detector which contains the actual detector
#      (immersion procedure)
#    - generate with maddump events for this 'bigger' configuration
#    - reject events which lie outside the actual ('immersed') detector 

# c) run_card.dat: for prompt case only
#                  it contains the main parameters for the run 
#                  beam types and energies, and cuts
#    Beam types default, proton proton
#    User must supply beam energies:
#    set ebeam1 [value]
#    set ebeam2 [value]
#    useful remarks:
#    - if not required, turn off systematic studies with
#    set use_syst = False 
#    - be careful to the cuts. For more inclusive predictions, lower o turn off
#      them!

# d) madspin_card.dat: for decay case only
#                  it contains the chain of commands to be processed by 
#                  madspin
#    The user should not in general change this file, unless to correct
#    some mistakes done in the definition of the decay processes. 

# All the above commands can be written down as a list of successive instructions into a text file 'input.txt'
# in this case, run the plugin with the command
./bin/mg5_aMC --mode=maddump ./[path]/input.txt 

# The scan summary output is written in the main process directory as a usual
# text file called scan_***. It contains a table with the run_name tag, the
# parameters scanned, some optional intermediate results, and the number of
# events for each interaction channel analized (if the user supplied the right
# normalization). 


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