All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
linked_accounts_list | GET /linked-accounts |
List linked accounts for your organization.
require 'time'
require 'merge_hris_client'
# setup authorization
MergeHRISClient.configure do |config|
# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
config.api_key['tokenAuth'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
opts = {
category: 'accounting', # String | Options: `accounting`, `ats`, `crm`, `filestorage`, `hris`, `mktg`, `ticketing` * `hris` - hris * `ats` - ats * `accounting` - accounting * `ticketing` - ticketing * `crm` - crm * `mktg` - mktg * `filestorage` - filestorage * `datawarehouse` - datawarehouse
cursor: 'cD0yMDIxLTAxLTA2KzAzJTNBMjQlM0E1My40MzQzMjYlMkIwMCUzQTAw', # String | The pagination cursor value.
end_user_email_address: 'end_user_email_address_example', # String | If provided, will only return linked accounts associated with the given email address.
end_user_organization_name: 'end_user_organization_name_example', # String | If provided, will only return linked accounts associated with the given organization name.
end_user_origin_id: 'end_user_origin_id_example', # String | If provided, will only return linked accounts associated with the given origin ID.
end_user_origin_ids: 'end_user_origin_ids_example', # String | Comma-separated list of EndUser origin IDs, making it possible to specify multiple EndUsers at once.
id: TODO, # String |
ids: 'ids_example', # String | Comma-separated list of LinkedAccount IDs, making it possible to specify multiple LinkedAccounts at once.
include_duplicates: true, # Boolean | If `true`, will include complete production duplicates of the account specified by the `id` query parameter in the response. `id` must be for a complete production linked account.
integration_name: 'integration_name_example', # String | If provided, will only return linked accounts associated with the given integration name.
is_test_account: 'is_test_account_example', # String | If included, will only include test linked accounts. If not included, will only include non-test linked accounts.
page_size: 56, # Integer | Number of results to return per page.
status: 'status_example' # String | Filter by status. Options: `COMPLETE`, `INCOMPLETE`, `RELINK_NEEDED`
result = api_instance.linked_accounts_list(opts)
p result
rescue MergeHRISClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling LinkedAccountsApi->linked_accounts_list: #{e}"
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> linked_accounts_list_with_http_info(opts)
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.linked_accounts_list_with_http_info(opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <PaginatedAccountDetailsAndActionsList>
rescue MergeHRISClient::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling LinkedAccountsApi->linked_accounts_list_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
category | String | Options: `accounting`, `ats`, `crm`, `filestorage`, `hris`, `mktg`, `ticketing` * `hris` - hris * `ats` - ats * `accounting` - accounting * `ticketing` - ticketing * `crm` - crm * `mktg` - mktg * `filestorage` - filestorage * `datawarehouse` - datawarehouse | [optional] |
cursor | String | The pagination cursor value. | [optional] |
end_user_email_address | String | If provided, will only return linked accounts associated with the given email address. | [optional] |
end_user_organization_name | String | If provided, will only return linked accounts associated with the given organization name. | [optional] |
end_user_origin_id | String | If provided, will only return linked accounts associated with the given origin ID. | [optional] |
end_user_origin_ids | String | Comma-separated list of EndUser origin IDs, making it possible to specify multiple EndUsers at once. | [optional] |
id | String | [optional] | |
ids | String | Comma-separated list of LinkedAccount IDs, making it possible to specify multiple LinkedAccounts at once. | [optional] |
include_duplicates | Boolean | If `true`, will include complete production duplicates of the account specified by the `id` query parameter in the response. `id` must be for a complete production linked account. | [optional] |
integration_name | String | If provided, will only return linked accounts associated with the given integration name. | [optional] |
is_test_account | String | If included, will only include test linked accounts. If not included, will only include non-test linked accounts. | [optional] |
page_size | Integer | Number of results to return per page. | [optional] |
status | String | Filter by status. Options: `COMPLETE`, `INCOMPLETE`, `RELINK_NEEDED` | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json