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Working sessions

jrault edited this page Dec 21, 2012 · 1 revision

We planned the next 5 sessions of work on the hci project till the end of the year 2010 :

Table of Contents

Wednesday 24/11 14h : memory structure + testing plan

session raw discussion

  • How to implement what we defined as web entities and web corpus in a efficient memory structure ?
  • How to code and test this structure ?

Thursday 2/12 9h30: scenarios of use (web cartography baseline + extension)

session raw discussion 2

  • Continue and extend the scenarios of use of HCI.
  • Define the baseline scenario (minimum functionalities) which should be implemented in the first prototype

Friday 10/12 9h30: software architecture + prototyping

  This meeting will held in INA dl web office
  • Describe the different software modules and their interfaces: on other word divide and conquer !
  • We will also get back on memory structure and tests
Session raw discussion 3

Friday the 17/12 9h30: review

We will review work done and dedicate time depending on missing parts.

This session will also set the agenda of the 3 days work session of the following week.

We change the fonctions map to be published here.

problem of empty web entities (pointing to HTTP error) after stemming !

retrieve origin and pointed page for  links (impossible in the system but retrievable by google trick ?)

all web entities whatever status (included,excluded,undefined) can be qualified

we have to define what's the relationship between core and corpus : can a croe handle multiple corpus or is the core corpus relationship univoc ?

first designs of the interfaces : to be included soon

Monday to Tueasday 20,21 and 22/12 : 3 days workshop

we will dedicate 3 days of the last week to close the 2010 working session.

We could during this session, go on testing or developing some new prototype modules and/or prepare some communication posters

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