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This contract splits any incoming funds between your choice of WaxDAO farms, DAO treasuries, and wax accounts

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Royalty Contract Documentation

What is this?

This is a contract that will automatically split up any funds received by your account, and send those split funds to whatever accounts that you choose.

You can use this to automatically deposit funds to NFT farms, exchanges, DAO treasuries, random wax wallets, whatever you want. You can even include custom memos when you send funds out of this contract.

Deploy this contract now on

Before you bother with this contract, there are a few things you should be aware of.

  • If you are trying to claim royalties from a collection where you do not own the private keys to the author wallet, then this contract can not claim royalties from your collection. However, it can still split any payments that it receives, so it's still very useful for automatically sharing payments, etc. Breaking news: MyCloudWallet now allows you to take full control of your account, so you can use this contract even if your collection was created with a .wam account

  • You will need ~1,230,000 bytes of RAM to store this contract on your account (about 490 WAX worth, at the time of this writing. Check waxblock for up to date RAM prices.)

  • You will need to add the eosio.code permission to your account, in order for this contract to work. I will include instructions below.

  • If you are planning on sending royalties to a WaxDAO NFT farm, the farm's reward token must be WAX. You will not be able to link your WaxDAO NFT farm to this contract unless: the farm exists, and the reward token is WAX (precision is 8, contract is eosio.token). Update: token rules have now been added to the contract, so you can send ANY token to an NFT farm, not just the WAX token

  • The atomicmarket contract stores all of your claimable WAX in 1 single balance. This is very important. If you have multiple schemas under 1 collection, all of the royalties will go into this 1 balance. If you make someone a buy offer from the same wallet that owns the collection; and then that buy offer gets rejected, that WAX will also go into this same balance. This contract will not differentiate between what "came from secondary" and what is "your own WAX". Keep this in mind when setting up your collection etc.

  • There is a setting in this contract's configuration that allows you to choose whether or not to process transfers for other tokens that are not WAX.

  • You can also send funds to DAO treasuries, if you want to send them to a v2 DAO on WaxDAO.

  • You can also send funds to any wax address, and you can even provide a custom memo. One example use case for this: if you create a drop on any NFT market, you can set this contract as the receiver. This contract will then split up funds between any farms, DAOs, or even regular WAX wallets that you choose. A lot of you have asked "Can I send funds from my Nefty or Hive drop, directly to my NFT farm?"... Well, with this contract, yes.. you can.


  1. The very first thing you need to do when you upload the contract to your account, is use the initconfig action (go to your account on waxblock, click the "Contract Actions" tab, then click initconfig).

    This action initializes the config2 table with the default settings. If you want to adjust these settings, you can use the actions on this contract, which I will outline below.

    optional: add authorized_users to the table using the master account (self), via the addauthacct action.

  2. Next step is to add any farms and/or v2 DAOs to the contract, using the upsertfarm and upsertdao actions:


    • user the authorized wallet you are using to submit this transaction
    • parts the amount of payment shares to allocate to this farm or DAO
    • farm_name/dao_name the name of the farm or DAO you are allocating shares to
    • farm_contract specify if the NFT farm is on the old (waxdaofarmer) or the new (farms.waxdao) contract

    This lets the contract know which farms/daos to split the royalty payments up between.

    Note 1: the "upsert" actions will also work as "update" actions, if you ever want to change the amount of shares given to a farm or DAO

    Note 2: you can also remove farms or daos from the configuration by using the "removefarm" and/or "removedao" actions

  3. You can also add other WAX wallets and give them shares of any incoming transfers, using the upsertwallet action


    • user the authorized wallet you are using to submit this transaction
    • parts the amount of payment shares to allocate to this wallet
    • wax_address the wax address you are allocating shares to
    • memo (optional) the custom memo you want to include when sending to this wallet

    Update: you can now keep some parts in the contract wallet if you want to. Simply enter the contract wallet's address as the wax_address. For example, if you uploaded this contract to the "waxdao" account, then you would put "waxdao" as the wax_address, and the parts for waxdao would remain in the waxdao wallet

    Note: removewallet is the action for removing a wallet from this list

  4. If you want the contract to accept/split other tokens besides WAX, you need to enable this setting using the allowalltokn action.


    • user the authorized wallet you are using to submit this transaction
    • is_allowed put 0 to NOT allow other tokens; put 1 to allow other tokens
  5. You can now add rules for specific tokens, using the addrule action


    • user the authorized wallet you are using to submit this transaction
    • token_symbol the symbol (including decimals and token name) of the token you want to add a rule for. For example, the symbol for WAX is: 8,WAX
    • contract the contract address of the token you want to add a rule for

    Note: removerule is the action for removing a rule from the contract

  6. If you added any rules for specific tokens, you can enter the payment receivers and parts for those rules, by using the ruledaoupdt (for DAOs), rulefarmupdt (for farms), and rulewlltupdt (for wallets). You can remove payment receivers by using the ruledaormv, rulefarmrmv, and rulewlltrmv actions.

  7. If you haven't done so already, add the eosio.code permission to the account where the contract is stored.

    This can be done using the eosio.code tool on

    Note: this is a third party tool, but it is built by a trusted, long-standing WAX community member (Nick Kusters). You can also add this permission on your own, provided you know what you are doing.

What's Next

If you used WaxDAO to deploy this contract (in other words, if you supported the contract author by buying/burning an NFT), then you can just sit back - WaxDAO has a script running that checks all whitelisted accounts multiple times per day. If the account has a royalty balance to claim, AND if it has been at least hours_between_claims since the last_claim, then it will automatically get claimed and transferred to the appropriate farms/daos without you needing to do anything.

However, if you did not burn an NFT to get whitelisted for this contract, and you chose to manually compile the open source code and deploy it yourself - then you are basically on your own as far as executing the claimroyalty action every x amount of hours. You can write your own script for that, or do it manually - that is your call. But if you want support from WaxDAO, we'd recommend the "burn an NFT" option (and we'd greatly appreciate the support!)

Want to support us for building this tool, and others like it? Feel free to add waxdaovault2 as a payment receiver when you deploy this contract ;)


This contract splits any incoming funds between your choice of WaxDAO farms, DAO treasuries, and wax accounts






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