Another group chat with Node.js. This one runs on top of a Sinatra app that handles users/registration, etc, through CouchDB.
First, install Node.js
Next, clone this repo: git clone live-chat
Load the node-websocket-server submodule: git submodule update --init --recursive
Install bunlder and install any necessary gems: gem install bundler bundle install
Compile the .sass files to .css by running: compass
You will also need to install CouchDB. If you're on Mac, you can use the awesome (CouchDBX)[]. If you're on/want something else then you're on your own! You should be able to find proper instructions at
You can adjust the hostname/port of the Nodejs server by modifying the file at: static/javascripts/client.js
You can adjust the hostname/port of the rack server by setting the bind/port attributes in: app.rb
Start the Node server: node server/server.js
Lanuch Sinatra: ruby app.rb
You will also need to start CouchDB.
In your browser enter the hostname/port you configured previously (by default it will be localhost:4567).
You won't have a user account, so you'll need to register & login. Once you hit the index page, start typing and you're off!