A very simple, yet complete, integration between Svelte and MobX that connects MobX reaction with Svelte's readable auto-subscription.
npm install mobx-svelte-readable --save
<script lang="ts">
import { readableReaction } from 'mobx-svelte-readable';
const store = getContext('store');
// That's all there is to it...
const isVisible = readableReaction(() => store.menu.isOpen);
$: visibilityStyle = $isVisible ? '' : 'display: none;';
<div id="Menu" style={visibilityStyle}></div>
For example's sake, a simple MobX store can be created like this:
import { makeObservable, observable } from 'mobx';
const menuSlice = {
isOpen: false,
makeObservable(menuSlice, {
isOpen: observable
const store = {
menu: menuSlice,
The subscription will fire whenever menuSlice.isOpen
changes its value - no custom objects, no update functions - just updating the value.
MobX is a standalone state management library and has more features than Svelte's built-in stores. MobX documentation can be found here.