My name is Mark Chmarny and this is my personal development space. I usually share my longer thoughts on my blog, and the shorter ones on @mchmarny on Twitter or Mastodon. Hope to see you there.
Here are few of my recent projects:
- grunner self-hosted GitHub Actions runner on GCP using GCE (MIGs) with custom image and configurable VM lifesycle
- vimp compare data from multiple vulnerability scanners
- s3cme go app template repo with image build/publish pipelines, SBOM, SLSA provenance, OIDC, KMS and Registry
- disco utility for bulk image, license, package, and vulnerability discovery in containerize workloads on GCP
- sds demo bootstraps CI/CD pipeline on GCP with image provenance, BinAuthZ policies, GKE attestation checks
- artomator automates Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) creation with Binary Authorization attestation
- repo activity monitoring CLI to get aggregated view into PR, issue, and comment events with author's company affiliation
- reproducible OpenID Connect for GCP to configure Github Workflow using Terraform to push images to GCR
- multi-region REST service to bootstrap a fully functional service on GCP using Terraform with a developer release pipeline
- kubernetes namespace operator applies custom deployments when any namespace in your cluster is labeled with a specific keyword