More insight into my other (private) projects and myself!
I am a sophomore at MIT studying 6-4 (Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making) with a minor in Economics.
I have learned a lot in the last year! Here are some of my highlights:
- Internship at NVIDIA on the Vulkan Performance Team
- Learned about OS architecture, project completed in C/C++, Python, and a hint of Perl
- Project involved creating a memory profiler and optimizer to improve game performance, my work created up to a 18.5% speedup in FPS on select applications.
- I am now a Lab Assistant (LA) for 6.1010 (the class mentioned in my fall 2023 update)!
- So far I am finding the work to be fulfilling and I am learning how to best find and communicate issues in student's code.
- Taking 6.C571/15.C571 (Optimization Methods)
- The class is hands on and includes topics such as, liner optimization, network-flow optimization, integer optimization, and optimization under uncertainty
- Code to be posted at the end of the semester :)
As of fall 2023, I have completed extensive lab-work in 6.1010 (Fundamentals in Programming) at MIT. Unfortunately, I cannot publish my work to the public (that is if I want to graduate without getting into serious trouble). Some of my favorite projects involved:
- Image processing
- hand-programming kernels to apply custom filters
- seam carving
- Lots of BFS and DFS!
- Conjunctive normal form (CNF) boolean solver - Sudoku Solver
- Object Oriented Programming
- Creating and traversing through custom-made graph datastructures
- Python-based LISP interpreter
Overall, I really enjoyed the clas and would love to TA it some time in the very near future.
Please feel free to reach out to me via linkedin if you would like to get in touch!