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1661 lines (1308 loc) · 60.2 KB

Subscription Components

subscriptionComponentsController := client.SubscriptionComponentsController()

Class Name



Read Subscription Component

This request will list information regarding a specific component owned by a subscription.

    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int,
    componentId int) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription
componentId int Template, Required The Advanced Billing id of the component. Alternatively, the component's handle prefixed by handle:

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

componentId := 222

apiResponse, err := subscriptionComponentsController.ReadSubscriptionComponent(ctx, subscriptionId, componentId)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

  "component": {
    "component_id": 193028,
    "subscription_id": 14593192,
    "allocated_quantity": 1,
    "pricing_scheme": "per_unit",
    "name": "Users",
    "kind": "quantity_based_component",
    "unit_name": "Users",
    "price_point_id": 1,
    "price_point_handle": "top-tier",
    "enabled": true


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
404 Not Found ApiError

List Subscription Components

This request will list a subscription's applied components.

Archived Components

When requesting to list components for a given subscription, if the subscription contains archived components they will be listed in the server response.

    ctx context.Context,
    input ListSubscriptionComponentsInput) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription
dateField *models.SubscriptionListDateField Query, Optional The type of filter you'd like to apply to your search. Use in query date_field=updated_at.
direction *models.SortingDirection Query, Optional Controls the order in which results are returned.
Use in query direction=asc.
filter *models.ListSubscriptionComponentsFilter Query, Optional Filter to use for List Subscription Components operation
endDate *string Query, Optional The end date (format YYYY-MM-DD) with which to filter the date_field. Returns components with a timestamp up to and including 11:59:59PM in your site’s time zone on the date specified.
endDatetime *string Query, Optional The end date and time (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) with which to filter the date_field. Returns components with a timestamp at or before exact time provided in query. You can specify timezone in query - otherwise your site''s time zone will be used. If provided, this parameter will be used instead of end_date.
pricePointIds *models.IncludeNotNull Query, Optional Allows fetching components allocation only if price point id is present. Use in query price_point_ids=not_null.
productFamilyIds []int Query, Optional Allows fetching components allocation with matching product family id based on provided ids. Use in query product_family_ids=1,2,3.
sort *models.ListSubscriptionComponentsSort Query, Optional The attribute by which to sort. Use in query sort=updated_at.
startDate *string Query, Optional The start date (format YYYY-MM-DD) with which to filter the date_field. Returns components with a timestamp at or after midnight (12:00:00 AM) in your site’s time zone on the date specified.
startDatetime *string Query, Optional The start date and time (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) with which to filter the date_field. Returns components with a timestamp at or after exact time provided in query. You can specify timezone in query - otherwise your site''s time zone will be used. If provided, this parameter will be used instead of start_date.
include []models.ListSubscriptionComponentsInclude Query, Optional Allows including additional data in the response. Use in query include=subscription,historic_usages.
inUse *bool Query, Optional If in_use is set to true, it returns only components that are currently in use. However, if it's set to false or not provided, it returns all components connected with the subscription.

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

collectedInput := advancedbilling.ListSubscriptionComponentsInput{
    SubscriptionId:   222,
    DateField:        models.ToPointer(models.SubscriptionListDateField("updated_at")),
    Filter:           models.ToPointer(models.ListSubscriptionComponentsFilter{
        Currencies:          []string{
    PricePointIds:    models.ToPointer(models.IncludeNotNull("not_null")),
    ProductFamilyIds: []int{
    Sort:             models.ToPointer(models.ListSubscriptionComponentsSort("updated_at")),
    Include:          []models.ListSubscriptionComponentsInclude{
    InUse:            models.ToPointer(true),

apiResponse, err := subscriptionComponentsController.ListSubscriptionComponents(ctx, collectedInput)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

    "component": {
      "component_id": 0,
      "subscription_id": 0,
      "allocated_quantity": 0,
      "pricing_scheme": "per_unit",
      "name": "string",
      "kind": "quantity_based_component",
      "unit_name": "string",
      "price_point_id": 0,
      "price_point_handle": "string",
      "price_point_type": "default",
      "price_point_name": "string",
      "enabled": true,
      "unit_balance": 0,
      "id": 0,
      "created_at": "2022-02-22T14:07:00-05:00",
      "updated_at": "2022-02-22T14:07:00-05:00",
      "component_handle": "string",
      "archived_at": null

Bulk Update Subscription Components Price Points

Updates the price points on one or more of a subscription's components.

The price_point key can take either a:

  1. Price point id (integer)
  2. Price point handle (string)
  3. "_default" string, which will reset the price point to the component's current default price point.
    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int,
    body *models.BulkComponentsPricePointAssignment) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription
body *models.BulkComponentsPricePointAssignment Body, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

body := models.BulkComponentsPricePointAssignment{
    Components: []models.ComponentPricePointAssignment{
            ComponentId: models.ToPointer(997),
            PricePoint:  models.ToPointer(models.ComponentPricePointAssignmentPricePointContainer.FromNumber(1022)),
            ComponentId: models.ToPointer(998),
            PricePoint:  models.ToPointer(models.ComponentPricePointAssignmentPricePointContainer.FromString("wholesale-handle")),
            ComponentId: models.ToPointer(999),
            PricePoint:  models.ToPointer(models.ComponentPricePointAssignmentPricePointContainer.FromString("_default")),

apiResponse, err := subscriptionComponentsController.BulkUpdateSubscriptionComponentsPricePoints(ctx, subscriptionId, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

  "components": [
      "component_id": 123,
      "price_point": 456
      "component_id": 789,
      "price_point": 987


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) ComponentPricePointErrorException

Bulk Reset Subscription Components Price Points

Resets all of a subscription's components to use the current default.

Note: this will update the price point for all of the subscription's components, even ones that have not been allocated yet.

    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

apiResponse, err := subscriptionComponentsController.BulkResetSubscriptionComponentsPricePoints(ctx, subscriptionId)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

  "subscription": {
    "id": 80293620,
    "state": "active",
    "trial_started_at": null,
    "trial_ended_at": null,
    "activated_at": "2023-11-23T10:28:34-05:00",
    "created_at": "2023-11-23T10:28:34-05:00",
    "updated_at": "2023-11-23T10:28:34-05:00",
    "expires_at": null,
    "balance_in_cents": 50504234,
    "current_period_ends_at": "2023-11-23T10:28:34-05:00",
    "next_assessment_at": "2023-11-23T10:28:34-05:00",
    "canceled_at": null,
    "cancellation_message": "lorem ipsum",
    "next_product_id": null,
    "cancel_at_end_of_period": false,
    "payment_collection_method": "remittance",
    "snap_day": null,
    "cancellation_method": "dunning",
    "current_period_started_at": "2023-11-23T10:28:34-05:00",
    "previous_state": "active",
    "signup_payment_id": -45156092,
    "signup_revenue": "do aliquip ea",
    "delayed_cancel_at": null,
    "coupon_code": null,
    "total_revenue_in_cents": -49740952,
    "product_price_in_cents": 87617888,
    "product_version_number": 13656635,
    "payment_type": null,
    "referral_code": null,
    "coupon_use_count": null,
    "coupon_uses_allowed": null,
    "reason_code": null,
    "automatically_resume_at": null,
    "current_billing_amount_in_cents": -26151968,
    "customer": {
      "id": 15208337,
      "first_name": "ipsum culpa in labore eiusmod",
      "last_name": "esse",
      "organization": null,
      "email": "ex eiusmod",
      "created_at": "2021-05-05T16:00:21-04:00",
      "updated_at": "2021-05-05T16:00:21-04:00",
      "reference": "laboris ea cupidatat",
      "address": null,
      "address_2": null,
      "city": "id eiusmod proident",
      "state": "magna eiusmod anim non",
      "zip": null,
      "country": null,
      "phone": null,
      "portal_invite_last_sent_at": null,
      "portal_invite_last_accepted_at": "2021-05-05T20:00:21-04:00",
      "portal_customer_created_at": "2021-05-05T16:00:21-04:00",
      "cc_emails": "eiusmod sunt",
      "tax_exempt": true
    "product": {
      "id": -74447756,
      "name": "eu mollit nulla ut aute",
      "handle": "esse dolor anim",
      "description": "Lorem ut et non",
      "accounting_code": "nisi",
      "request_credit_card": false,
      "expiration_interval": 1,
      "expiration_interval_unit": "day",
      "created_at": "2022-11-23T10:28:34-05:00",
      "updated_at": "2022-11-23T10:28:34-05:00",
      "price_in_cents": -4151649,
      "interval": 20680876,
      "interval_unit": "day",
      "initial_charge_in_cents": null,
      "trial_price_in_cents": null,
      "trial_interval": null,
      "trial_interval_unit": "day",
      "archived_at": null,
      "require_credit_card": true,
      "return_params": "magna eu",
      "taxable": true,
      "update_return_url": "exercitation in",
      "tax_code": "Excepteur aliqua sunt in",
      "initial_charge_after_trial": true,
      "version_number": 41642597,
      "update_return_params": "dolore labore",
      "product_family": {
        "id": -5356997,
        "name": "officia amet Lorem proident enim",
        "description": "Duis",
        "handle": "ea dolore dolore sunt",
        "accounting_code": null

Allocate Component

This endpoint creates a new allocation, setting the current allocated quantity for the Component and recording a memo.

Notice: Allocations can only be updated for Quantity, On/Off, and Prepaid Components.

Allocations Documentation

Full documentation on how to record Allocations in the Advanced Billing UI can be located here. It is focused on how allocations operate within the Advanced Billing UI.It goes into greater detail on how the user interface will react when recording allocations.

This documentation also goes into greater detail on how proration is taken into consideration when applying component allocations.

Proration Schemes

Changing the allocated quantity of a component mid-period can result in either a Charge or Credit being applied to the subscription. When creating an allocation via the API, you can pass the upgrade_charge, downgrade_credit, and accrue_charge to be applied.

Notice: These proration and accural fields will be ignored for Prepaid Components since this component type always generate charges immediately without proration.

For background information on prorated components and upgrade/downgrade schemes, see Setting Component Allocations.. See the tables below for valid values.

upgrade_charge Definition                                                        
full          A charge is added for the full price of the component.            
prorated      A charge is added for the prorated price of the component change.
none          No charge is added.                                              
downgrade_credit Definition                                        
full            A full price credit is added for the amount owed.
prorated        A prorated credit is added for the amount owed.  
none            No charge is added.                              
accrue_charge Definition                                                                                              
true         Attempt to charge the customer at next renewal.
false        Attempt to charge the customer right away. If it fails, the charge will be accrued until the next renewal.

Order of Resolution for upgrade_charge and downgrade_credit

  1. Per allocation in API call (within a single allocation of the allocations array)
  2. Component-level default value
  3. Allocation API call top level (outside of the allocations array)
  4. Site-level default value

Order of Resolution for accrue charge

  1. Allocation API call top level (outside of the allocations array)
  2. Site-level default value

NOTE: Proration uses the current price of the component as well as the current tax rates. Changes to either may cause the prorated charge/credit to be wrong.

    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int,
    componentId int,
    body *models.CreateAllocationRequest) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription
componentId int Template, Required The Advanced Billing id of the component
body *models.CreateAllocationRequest Body, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

componentId := 222

body := models.CreateAllocationRequest{
    Allocation: models.CreateAllocation{
        Quantity:                 float64(5),
        Memo:                     models.ToPointer("Recoding component purchase of Acme Support"),

apiResponse, err := subscriptionComponentsController.AllocateComponent(ctx, subscriptionId, componentId, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

  "allocation": {
    "component_id": 4034995,
    "subscription_id": 23737320,
    "quantity": 3,
    "previous_quantity": 2,
    "memo": "dolore cupidatat elit",
    "timestamp": "2022-11-23T10:28:34-05:00",
    "proration_upgrade_scheme": "laboris ipsum dolore",
    "proration_downgrade_scheme": "eiusmod dolore",
    "price_point_id": -69720370,
    "previous_price_point_id": -76493052,
    "accrue_charge": true,
    "upgrade_charge": "full",
    "downgrade_credit": "full",
    "payment": {
      "id": -44566528,
      "amount_in_cents": 123,
      "success": false,
      "memo": "aliqua"


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) ErrorListResponseException

List Allocations

This endpoint returns the 50 most recent Allocations, ordered by most recent first.

On/Off Components

When a subscription's on/off component has been toggled to on (1) or off (0), usage will be logged in this response.

Querying data via Advanced Billing gem

You can also query the current quantity via the official Advanced Billing Gem.

component = Chargify::Subscription::Component.find(1, :params => {:subscription_id => 7})
puts component.allocated_quantity
# => 23

# Second way
component = Chargify::Subscription.find(7).component(1)
puts component.allocated_quantity
# => 23
    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int,
    componentId int,
    page *int) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription
componentId int Template, Required The Advanced Billing id of the component
page *int Query, Optional Result records are organized in pages. By default, the first page of results is displayed. The page parameter specifies a page number of results to fetch. You can start navigating through the pages to consume the results. You do this by passing in a page parameter. Retrieve the next page by adding ?page=2 to the query string. If there are no results to return, then an empty result set will be returned.
Use in query page=1.
Default: 1
Constraints: >= 1

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

componentId := 222

page := 2

apiResponse, err := subscriptionComponentsController.ListAllocations(ctx, subscriptionId, componentId, &page)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

    "allocation": {
      "allocation_id": 2370199,
      "component_id": 41028,
      "subscription_id": 352827,
      "quantity": 10,
      "previous_quantity": 0,
      "memo": "Recoding component allocation",
      "timestamp": "2024-02-28T09:31:05Z",
      "proration_upgrade_scheme": "full-price-attempt-capture",
      "proration_downgrade_scheme": "no-prorate",
      "price_point_id": 2957424,
      "price_point_handle": "uuid:03190e20-b84a-013c-ca77-0286551bb34f",
      "price_point_name": "Original",
      "previous_price_point_id": 2957424,
      "component_handle": "test-prepaid-component-4982065948",
      "accrue_charge": false,
      "upgrade_charge": "full",
      "downgrade_credit": "none",
      "created_at": "2024-02-28T04:31:05-05:00",
      "initiate_dunning": false,
      "expires_at": "2024-08-03T20:00:00-04:00",
      "used_quantity": 5,
      "charge_id": 11586076
    "allocation": {
      "memo": null,
      "timestamp": "2012-11-20T21:48:09Z",
      "quantity": 3,
      "previous_quantity": 0,
      "component_id": 11960,
      "subscription_id": 2585595,
      "proration_upgrade_scheme": "no-prorate",
      "proration_downgrade_scheme": "no-prorate"


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
404 Not Found ApiError
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) ErrorListResponseException

Allocate Components

Creates multiple allocations, setting the current allocated quantity for each of the components and recording a memo. The charges and/or credits that are created will be rolled up into a single total which is used to determine whether this is an upgrade or a downgrade. Be aware of the Order of Resolutions explained below in determining the proration scheme.

A component_id is required for each allocation.

This endpoint only responds to JSON. It is not available for XML.

    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int,
    body *models.AllocateComponents) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription
body *models.AllocateComponents Body, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

body := models.AllocateComponents{
    ProrationUpgradeScheme:   models.ToPointer("prorate-attempt-capture"),
    ProrationDowngradeScheme: models.ToPointer("no-prorate"),
    Allocations:              []models.CreateAllocation{
            Quantity:                 float64(10),
            ComponentId:              models.ToPointer(123),
            Memo:                     models.ToPointer("foo"),
            Quantity:                 float64(5),
            ComponentId:              models.ToPointer(456),
            Memo:                     models.ToPointer("bar"),

apiResponse, err := subscriptionComponentsController.AllocateComponents(ctx, subscriptionId, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

    "allocation": {
      "component_id": 193159,
      "subscription_id": 15540611,
      "quantity": 10,
      "previous_quantity": 0,
      "memo": "foo",
      "timestamp": "2016-12-08T19:09:15Z",
      "proration_upgrade_scheme": "prorate-attempt-capture",
      "proration_downgrade_scheme": "no-prorate",
      "payment": {
        "amount_in_cents": 1451,
        "success": true,
        "memo": "Payment for: Prorated component allocation changes.",
        "id": 165473487
    "allocation": {
      "component_id": 277221,
      "subscription_id": 15540611,
      "quantity": 5,
      "previous_quantity": 0,
      "memo": "bar",
      "timestamp": "2016-12-08T19:09:15Z",
      "proration_upgrade_scheme": "prorate-attempt-capture",
      "proration_downgrade_scheme": "no-prorate",
      "payment": {
        "amount_in_cents": 1451,
        "success": true,
        "memo": "Payment for: Prorated component allocation changes.",
        "id": 165473487


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
404 Not Found ApiError
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) ErrorListResponseException

Preview Allocations

Advanced Billing offers the ability to preview a potential subscription's quantity-based or on/off component allocation in the middle of the current billing period. This is useful if you want users to be able to see the effect of a component operation before actually doing it.

Fine-grained Component Control: Use with multiple upgrade_charges or downgrade_credits

When the allocation uses multiple different types of upgrade_charges or downgrade_credits, the Allocation is viewed as an Allocation which uses "Fine-Grained Component Control". As a result, the response will not include direction and proration within the allocation_preview, but at the line_items and allocations level respectfully.

See example below for Fine-Grained Component Control response.

    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int,
    body *models.PreviewAllocationsRequest) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription
body *models.PreviewAllocationsRequest Body, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

body := models.PreviewAllocationsRequest{
    Allocations:            []models.CreateAllocation{
            Quantity:                 float64(10),
            ComponentId:              models.ToPointer(554108),
            Memo:                     models.ToPointer("NOW"),
            ProrationDowngradeScheme: models.ToPointer("prorate"),
            ProrationUpgradeScheme:   models.ToPointer("prorate-attempt-capture"),
            PricePointId:             models.NewOptional(models.ToPointer(models.CreateAllocationPricePointIdContainer.FromNumber(325826))),
    EffectiveProrationDate: models.ToPointer(parseTime(models.DEFAULT_DATE, "2023-11-01", func(err error) { log.Fatalln(err) })),

apiResponse, err := subscriptionComponentsController.PreviewAllocations(ctx, subscriptionId, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

  "allocation_preview": {
    "start_date": "2019-05-02T15:26:46Z",
    "end_date": "2019-05-08T15:26:46Z",
    "period_type": "prorated",
    "total_in_cents": 150,
    "total_discount_in_cents": 0,
    "total_tax_in_cents": 0,
    "subtotal_in_cents": 150,
    "existing_balance_in_cents": 0,
    "accrue_charge": true,
    "line_items": [
        "direction": "upgrade",
        "transaction_type": "charge",
        "kind": "quantity_based_component",
        "amount_in_cents": 100,
        "taxable_amount_in_cents": 0,
        "discount_amount_in_cents": 0,
        "memo": "Foo: 0 to 10 foo",
        "component_id": 123,
        "component_handle": "foo"
        "direction": "downgrade",
        "transaction_type": "credit",
        "kind": "quantity_based_component",
        "amount_in_cents": -20,
        "taxable_amount_in_cents": 0,
        "discount_amount_in_cents": 0,
        "memo": "Foo: 10 to 5 bar",
        "component_id": 456,
        "component_handle": "bar"
        "direction": "upgrade",
        "transaction_type": "credit",
        "kind": "quantity_based_component",
        "amount_in_cents": 70,
        "taxable_amount_in_cents": 0,
        "discount_amount_in_cents": 0,
        "memo": "Foo: 0 to 10 baz",
        "component_id": 789,
        "component_handle": "baz"
    "allocations": [
        "accrue_charge": true,
        "upgrade_charge": "prorated",
        "downgrade_credit": "full",
        "component_handle": "foo",
        "component_id": 123,
        "memo": "foo",
        "previous_price_point_id": 123,
        "previous_quantity": 0,
        "price_point_id": 123,
        "proration_downgrade_scheme": "full",
        "proration_upgrade_scheme": "prorate-delay-capture",
        "quantity": 10,
        "subscription_id": 123456,
        "timestamp": null
        "accrue_charge": true,
        "upgrade_charge": "full",
        "downgrade_credit": "prorated",
        "component_handle": "bar",
        "component_id": 456,
        "memo": "foo",
        "previous_price_point_id": 456,
        "previous_quantity": 10,
        "price_point_id": 456,
        "proration_downgrade_scheme": "prorate",
        "proration_upgrade_scheme": "full-price-delay-capture",
        "quantity": 5,
        "subscription_id": 123456,
        "timestamp": null
        "accrue_charge": true,
        "upgrade_charge": "full",
        "downgrade_credit": "none",
        "component_handle": "baz",
        "component_id": 789,
        "memo": "foo",
        "previous_price_point_id": 789,
        "previous_quantity": 0,
        "price_point_id": 789,
        "proration_downgrade_scheme": "no-prorate",
        "proration_upgrade_scheme": "full-price-delay-capture",
        "quantity": 10,
        "subscription_id": 123456,
        "timestamp": null


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) ComponentAllocationErrorException

Update Prepaid Usage Allocation Expiration Date

When the expiration interval options are selected on a prepaid usage component price point, all allocations will be created with an expiration date. This expiration date can be changed after the fact to allow for extending or shortening the allocation's active window.

In order to change a prepaid usage allocation's expiration date, a PUT call must be made to the allocation's endpoint with a new expiration date.


A few limitations exist when changing an allocation's expiration date:

  • An expiration date can only be changed for an allocation that belongs to a price point with expiration interval options explicitly set.
  • An expiration date can be changed towards the future with no limitations.
  • An expiration date can be changed towards the past (essentially expiring it) up to the subscription's current period beginning date.
    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int,
    componentId int,
    allocationId int,
    body *models.UpdateAllocationExpirationDate) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription
componentId int Template, Required The Advanced Billing id of the component
allocationId int Template, Required The Advanced Billing id of the allocation
body *models.UpdateAllocationExpirationDate Body, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

componentId := 222

allocationId := 24

body := models.UpdateAllocationExpirationDate{
    Allocation: models.ToPointer(models.AllocationExpirationDate{
        ExpiresAt: models.ToPointer(parseTime(time.RFC3339, "2021-05-05T16:00:00", func(err error) { log.Fatalln(err) })),

resp, err := subscriptionComponentsController.UpdatePrepaidUsageAllocationExpirationDate(ctx, subscriptionId, componentId, allocationId, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
404 Not Found ApiError
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) SubscriptionComponentAllocationErrorException

Delete Prepaid Usage Allocation

Prepaid Usage components are unique in that their allocations are always additive. In order to reduce a subscription's allocated quantity for a prepaid usage component each allocation must be destroyed individually via this endpoint.

Credit Scheme

By default, destroying an allocation will generate a service credit on the subscription. This behavior can be modified with the optional credit_scheme parameter on this endpoint. The accepted values are:

  1. none: The allocation will be destroyed and the balances will be updated but no service credit or refund will be created.
  2. credit: The allocation will be destroyed and the balances will be updated and a service credit will be generated. This is also the default behavior if the credit_scheme param is not passed.
  3. refund: The allocation will be destroyed and the balances will be updated and a refund will be issued along with a Credit Note.
    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int,
    componentId int,
    allocationId int,
    body *models.CreditSchemeRequest) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription
componentId int Template, Required The Advanced Billing id of the component
allocationId int Template, Required The Advanced Billing id of the allocation
body *models.CreditSchemeRequest Body, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

componentId := 222

allocationId := 24

body := models.CreditSchemeRequest{
    CreditScheme: models.CreditScheme("none"),

resp, err := subscriptionComponentsController.DeletePrepaidUsageAllocation(ctx, subscriptionId, componentId, allocationId, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
404 Not Found ApiError
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) SubscriptionComponentAllocationErrorException

Create Usage


Full documentation on how to create Components in the Advanced Billing UI can be located here. Additionally, for information on how to record component usage against a subscription, please see the following resources:

You may choose to report metered or prepaid usage to Advanced Billing as often as you wish. You may report usage as it happens. You may also report usage periodically, such as each night or once per billing period. If usage events occur in your system very frequently (on the order of thousands of times an hour), it is best to accumulate usage into batches on your side, and then report those batches less frequently, such as daily. This will ensure you remain below any API throttling limits. If your use case requires higher rates of usage reporting, we recommend utilizing Events Based Components.

Create Usage for Subscription

This endpoint allows you to record an instance of metered or prepaid usage for a subscription. The quantity from usage for each component is accumulated to the unit_balance on the Component Line Item for the subscription.

Price Point ID usage

If you are using price points, for metered and prepaid usage components, Advanced Billing gives you the option to specify a price point in your request.

You do not need to specify a price point ID. If a price point is not included, the default price point for the component will be used when the usage is recorded.

If an invalid price_point_id is submitted, the endpoint will return an error.

Deducting Usage

In the event that you need to reverse a previous usage report or otherwise deduct from the current usage balance, you may provide a negative quantity.


Previously recorded:

  "usage": {
    "quantity": 5000,
    "memo": "Recording 5000 units"

At this point, unit_balance would be 5000. To reduce the balance to 0, POST the following payload:

  "usage": {
    "quantity": -5000,
    "memo": "Deducting 5000 units"

The unit_balance has a floor of 0; negative unit balances are never allowed. For example, if the usage balance is 100 and you deduct 200 units, the unit balance would then be 0, not -100.


Q. Is it possible to record metered usage for more than one component at a time?

A. No. Usage should be reported as one API call per component on a single subscription. For example, to record that a subscriber has sent both an SMS Message and an Email, send an API call for each.

    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int,
    componentId models.CreateUsageComponentId,
    body *models.CreateUsageRequest) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription
componentId models.CreateUsageComponentId Template, Required This is a container for one-of cases.
body *models.CreateUsageRequest Body, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

componentId := models.CreateUsageComponentIdContainer.FromNumber(144)

body := models.CreateUsageRequest{
    Usage: models.CreateUsage{
        Quantity:        models.ToPointer(float64(1000)),
        PricePointId:    models.ToPointer("149416"),
        Memo:            models.ToPointer("My memo"),

apiResponse, err := subscriptionComponentsController.CreateUsage(ctx, subscriptionId, componentId, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

  "usage": {
    "id": 138522957,
    "memo": "My memo",
    "created_at": "2017-11-13T10:05:32-06:00",
    "price_point_id": 149416,
    "quantity": 1000,
    "component_id": 500093,
    "component_handle": "handle",
    "subscription_id": 22824464


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) ErrorListResponseException

List Usages

This request will return a list of the usages associated with a subscription for a particular metered component. This will display the previously recorded components for a subscription.

This endpoint is not compatible with quantity-based components.

Since Date and Until Date Usage

Note: The since_date and until_date attributes each default to midnight on the date specified. For example, in order to list usages for January 20th, you would need to append the following to the URL.


Read Usage by Handle

Use this endpoint to read the previously recorded components for a subscription. You can now specify either the component id (integer) or the component handle prefixed by "handle:" to specify the unique identifier for the component you are working with.

    ctx context.Context,
    input ListUsagesInput) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription
componentId models.ListUsagesInputComponentId Template, Required This is a container for one-of cases.
sinceId *int64 Query, Optional Returns usages with an id greater than or equal to the one specified
maxId *int64 Query, Optional Returns usages with an id less than or equal to the one specified
sinceDate *time.Time Query, Optional Returns usages with a created_at date greater than or equal to midnight (12:00 AM) on the date specified.
untilDate *time.Time Query, Optional Returns usages with a created_at date less than or equal to midnight (12:00 AM) on the date specified.
page *int Query, Optional Result records are organized in pages. By default, the first page of results is displayed. The page parameter specifies a page number of results to fetch. You can start navigating through the pages to consume the results. You do this by passing in a page parameter. Retrieve the next page by adding ?page=2 to the query string. If there are no results to return, then an empty result set will be returned.
Use in query page=1.
Default: 1
Constraints: >= 1
perPage *int Query, Optional This parameter indicates how many records to fetch in each request. Default value is 20. The maximum allowed values is 200; any per_page value over 200 will be changed to 200.
Use in query per_page=200.
Default: 20
Constraints: <= 200

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

collectedInput := advancedbilling.ListUsagesInput{
    SubscriptionId: 222,
    ComponentId:    models.ListUsagesInputComponentIdContainer.FromNumber(144),
    Page:           models.ToPointer(2),
    PerPage:        models.ToPointer(50),

apiResponse, err := subscriptionComponentsController.ListUsages(ctx, collectedInput)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

    "usage": {
      "id": 178534642,
      "memo": "20",
      "created_at": "2018-08-03T11:58:42-05:00",
      "price_point_id": 242632,
      "quantity": "20.0",
      "component_id": 500093,
      "component_handle": "handle",
      "subscription_id": 22824464
    "usage": {
      "id": 178534591,
      "memo": "10",
      "created_at": "2018-08-03T11:58:29-05:00",
      "price_point_id": 242632,
      "quantity": "10.0",
      "component_id": 500093,
      "component_handle": "handle",
      "subscription_id": 22824464

Activate Event Based Component

In order to bill your subscribers on your Events data under the Events-Based Billing feature, the components must be activated for the subscriber.

Learn more about the role of activation in the Events-Based Billing docs.

Use this endpoint to activate an event-based component for a single subscription. Activating an event-based component causes Advanced Billing to bill for events when the subscription is renewed.

Note: it is possible to stream events for a subscription at any time, regardless of component activation status. The activation status only determines if the subscription should be billed for event-based component usage at renewal.

    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int,
    componentId int,
    body *models.ActivateEventBasedComponent) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Advanced Billing id of the subscription
componentId int Template, Required The Advanced Billing id of the component
body *models.ActivateEventBasedComponent Body, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

componentId := 222

body := models.ActivateEventBasedComponent{
    PricePointId:    models.ToPointer(1),
    BillingSchedule: models.ToPointer(models.BillingSchedule{
        InitialBillingAt: models.ToPointer(parseTime(models.DEFAULT_DATE, "2022-01-01", func(err error) { log.Fatalln(err) })),
    CustomPrice:     models.ToPointer(models.ComponentCustomPrice{
        TaxIncluded:   models.ToPointer(false),
        PricingScheme: models.ToPointer(models.PricingScheme("per_unit")),
        Interval:      models.ToPointer(30),
        IntervalUnit:  models.NewOptional(models.ToPointer(models.IntervalUnit("day"))),
        Prices:        []models.Price{
                StartingQuantity: models.PriceStartingQuantityContainer.FromNumber(1),
                UnitPrice:        models.PriceUnitPriceContainer.FromString("5.0"),

resp, err := subscriptionComponentsController.ActivateEventBasedComponent(ctx, subscriptionId, componentId, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {

Deactivate Event Based Component

Use this endpoint to deactivate an event-based component for a single subscription. Deactivating the event-based component causes Advanced Billing to ignore related events at subscription renewal.

    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int,
    componentId int) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Advanced Billing id of the subscription
componentId int Template, Required The Advanced Billing id of the component

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

componentId := 222

resp, err := subscriptionComponentsController.DeactivateEventBasedComponent(ctx, subscriptionId, componentId)
if err != nil {
} else {

Record Event


Events-Based Billing is an evolved form of metered billing that is based on data-rich events streamed in real-time from your system to Advanced Billing.

These events can then be transformed, enriched, or analyzed to form the computed totals of usage charges billed to your customers.

This API allows you to stream events into the Advanced Billing data ingestion engine.

Learn more about the feature in general in the Events-Based Billing help docs.

Record Event

Use this endpoint to record a single event.

Note: this endpoint differs from the standard Chargify API endpoints in that the URL subdomain will be events and your site subdomain will be included in the URL path. For example:
    ctx context.Context,
    subdomain string,
    apiHandle string,
    storeUid *string,
    body *models.EBBEvent) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subdomain string Template, Required Your site's subdomain
apiHandle string Template, Required Identifies the Stream for which the event should be published.
storeUid *string Query, Optional If you've attached your own Keen project as an Advanced Billing event data-store, use this parameter to indicate the data-store.
body *models.EBBEvent Body, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subdomain := "subdomain4"

apiHandle := "api_handle6"

body := models.EBBEvent{
    Chargify: models.ToPointer(models.ChargifyEBB{
        Timestamp:             models.ToPointer(parseTime(time.RFC3339, "2020-02-27T17:45:50-05:00", func(err error) { log.Fatalln(err) })),
        SubscriptionId:        models.ToPointer(1),

resp, err := subscriptionComponentsController.RecordEvent(ctx, subdomain, apiHandle, nil, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {

Bulk Record Events

Use this endpoint to record a collection of events.

Note: this endpoint differs from the standard Chargify API endpoints in that the subdomain will be events and your site subdomain will be included in the URL path.

A maximum of 1000 events can be published in a single request. A 422 will be returned if this limit is exceeded.

    ctx context.Context,
    subdomain string,
    apiHandle string,
    storeUid *string,
    body []models.EBBEvent) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subdomain string Template, Required Your site's subdomain
apiHandle string Template, Required Identifies the Stream for which the events should be published.
storeUid *string Query, Optional If you've attached your own Keen project as an Advanced Billing event data-store, use this parameter to indicate the data-store.
body []models.EBBEvent Body, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subdomain := "subdomain4"

apiHandle := "api_handle6"

body := []models.EBBEvent{
        Chargify: models.ToPointer(models.ChargifyEBB{
            Timestamp:             models.ToPointer(parseTime(time.RFC3339, "2020-02-27T17:45:50-05:00", func(err error) { log.Fatalln(err) })),
            SubscriptionId:        models.ToPointer(1),

resp, err := subscriptionComponentsController.BulkRecordEvents(ctx, subdomain, apiHandle, nil, body)
if err != nil {
} else {

List Subscription Components for Site

This request will list components applied to each subscription.

    ctx context.Context,
    input ListSubscriptionComponentsForSiteInput) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
page *int Query, Optional Result records are organized in pages. By default, the first page of results is displayed. The page parameter specifies a page number of results to fetch. You can start navigating through the pages to consume the results. You do this by passing in a page parameter. Retrieve the next page by adding ?page=2 to the query string. If there are no results to return, then an empty result set will be returned.
Use in query page=1.
Default: 1
Constraints: >= 1
perPage *int Query, Optional This parameter indicates how many records to fetch in each request. Default value is 20. The maximum allowed values is 200; any per_page value over 200 will be changed to 200.
Use in query per_page=200.
Default: 20
Constraints: <= 200
sort *models.ListSubscriptionComponentsSort Query, Optional The attribute by which to sort. Use in query: sort=updated_at.
direction *models.SortingDirection Query, Optional Controls the order in which results are returned.
Use in query direction=asc.
filter *models.ListSubscriptionComponentsForSiteFilter Query, Optional Filter to use for List Subscription Components For Site operation
dateField *models.SubscriptionListDateField Query, Optional The type of filter you'd like to apply to your search. Use in query: date_field=updated_at.
startDate *string Query, Optional The start date (format YYYY-MM-DD) with which to filter the date_field. Returns components with a timestamp at or after midnight (12:00:00 AM) in your site’s time zone on the date specified. Use in query start_date=2011-12-15.
startDatetime *string Query, Optional The start date and time (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) with which to filter the date_field. Returns components with a timestamp at or after exact time provided in query. You can specify timezone in query - otherwise your site''s time zone will be used. If provided, this parameter will be used instead of start_date. Use in query start_datetime=2022-07-01 09:00:05.
endDate *string Query, Optional The end date (format YYYY-MM-DD) with which to filter the date_field. Returns components with a timestamp up to and including 11:59:59PM in your site’s time zone on the date specified. Use in query end_date=2011-12-16.
endDatetime *string Query, Optional The end date and time (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) with which to filter the date_field. Returns components with a timestamp at or before exact time provided in query. You can specify timezone in query - otherwise your site''s time zone will be used. If provided, this parameter will be used instead of end_date. Use in query end_datetime=2022-07-01 09:00:05.
subscriptionIds []int Query, Optional Allows fetching components allocation with matching subscription id based on provided ids. Use in query subscription_ids=1,2,3.
Constraints: Minimum Items: 1, Maximum Items: 200
pricePointIds *models.IncludeNotNull Query, Optional Allows fetching components allocation only if price point id is present. Use in query price_point_ids=not_null.
productFamilyIds []int Query, Optional Allows fetching components allocation with matching product family id based on provided ids. Use in query product_family_ids=1,2,3.
include *models.ListSubscriptionComponentsInclude Query, Optional Allows including additional data in the response. Use in query include=subscription,historic_usages.

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

collectedInput := advancedbilling.ListSubscriptionComponentsForSiteInput{
    Page:             models.ToPointer(2),
    PerPage:          models.ToPointer(50),
    Sort:             models.ToPointer(models.ListSubscriptionComponentsSort("updated_at")),
    Filter:           models.ToPointer(models.ListSubscriptionComponentsForSiteFilter{
        Currencies:          []string{
    DateField:        models.ToPointer(models.SubscriptionListDateField("updated_at")),
    SubscriptionIds:  []int{
    PricePointIds:    models.ToPointer(models.IncludeNotNull("not_null")),
    ProductFamilyIds: []int{
    Include:          models.ToPointer(models.ListSubscriptionComponentsInclude("subscription")),

apiResponse, err := subscriptionComponentsController.ListSubscriptionComponentsForSite(ctx, collectedInput)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response