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Development Environment dotfiles for MacOS using WezTerm, Aerospace, and NeoVim.

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  • zsh (Shell)
  • WezTerm (Emulator / Pane Management)
  • YADM (Dotfile Management)
  • Homebrew (Package Manager)
  • NeoVim (Text Editor / IDE)
  • Aerospace (Window Manager) (MacOS)

zsh Plugins

  • zsh-autosuggestions (Auto-Complete)
  • zsh-syntax-hightlight (Syntax Highlighting)
  • Eza (Language Service)
  • Zoxide (Directory Navigation)
  • tree (Directory Tree)


  • Nord Theme (Color Scheme)
  • tmux (Pane Management)
  • zsh (Shell)
  • starship (Prompt)

NeoVim Plugins

  • alpha (Dashboard)

  • auto-session

  • autopairs

  • bufferline

  • comment (Commenting)

  • dressing (Syntax Highlighting)

  • fzf (Parrot)

  • lazygit (Git Interface)

  • lazyvim (Package Manager)

  • indent-blankline

  • nvim-cmp

  • nvim-tree

  • prettier (Code Formatter)

  • telescope (Fuzzy Finder)

  • todo-comments

  • treesitter (Syntax Highlighting)

  • vim-maximizer (Maximize Pane)

  • CoPilot (AI Code Completion)

  • Parrot (AI Chat)

Common Packages

  • yazi (File Directory)
  • gotop (System Monitor)
  • LazyGit (Git Interface)
  • neofetch (System Information)
  • Spotifyd (Spotify Daemon)
  • LazyDocker (Docker Interface)
  • cmatrix (Matrix Screensaver)
  • figlet (ASCII Art)


  • Configure Theme Accross WezTerm, NeoVim, Starship (Catppuccin)
  • Setup WezTerm workspace for performance monitoring
  • Fix WezTerm New Window & Workspace Issue (Does not open if existing window is open)
  • Confirm Prettier Options
  • Configure LSP for NeoVim
  • Confirm starship styling
  • Fix nvim Tab Display Issue
  • Master Shortcuts:
    • Aerospace
    • WezTerm
    • tmux
    • NeoVim
    • Copilot
    • nvim-tree
    • Telescope
    • Parrot
    • LazyGit

Keyboard Shortcut Approach

Function Service Approach
MacOS Window Management Aerospace `alt'
zsh zsh `ctrl'
Launch WezTerm Workspace WezTerm `ctrl+opt+cmd' +
NeoVim Navigate Panes tmux `ctrl' +
NeoVim Split Windows tmux 'space s' +
NeoVim Sessions auto-session `space w' +
NeoVim Fuzzy Finder Telescope `space f' +
NeoVim File Tree nvim-tree `space e' +
NeoVim Git Interface LazyGit `space g' +
NeoVim AI Chat CoPilot `space c' +
NeoVim Formatter Prettier `space' + f
NeoVim Commenting Comment `space' + c

Common NeoVim Keyboard Shortcuts

Function Service Shortcut
Insert Mode NeoVim 'i'
Normal Mode NeoVim 'jk'
Toggle between NVIM panes Aerospace 'alt'
Toggle File Explorer Display nvim-tree 'space ee'
Create New File nvim-tree 'a'
Rename File nvim-tree 'r'
Delete File nvim-tree 'd'
Toggle Fuzzy Finder Telescope 'space ff'
Split Window Vertically tmux 'space sv'
Split Window Horizontally tmux ''
Close Current Pane tmux 'space sx
Move to Pane Left tmux 'ctrl + h'
Move to Pane Right tmux 'ctrl + l'
Toggle Maximize Pane tmux 'space sm'
Create New Tab tmux 'space to'
Close Current Tab tmux 'space tx'
Go to Next Tab tmux 'space tn'
Go to Previous Tab tmux 'space tp'
Format Code prettier 'space f'
Search Next ToDo Item todo 'space ]n'
Search Previous ToDo Item todo 'space [n'


Development Environment dotfiles for MacOS using WezTerm, Aerospace, and NeoVim.






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