VERSION: 0.0.2 LAST CHANGE: 2019/04/12
boreholetools is a collection of modules to QC geoscientific borehole data of various types
Main features:
- convert/verify/interpolate well trajectory data, i.e. deviation surveys
- convert apparent bed dip/dip azimuth data referenced to a wellbore coordinate system into true bed dip/dip azimuth
- calculate true vertical/stratigraphic thickness of beds using a dip model
Default behavior of modules unless specified otherwise by using additional keyword arguments:
- reads a list of well data in the form of CSV spread sheet files
- processes one or many well data in one iteration
- output generated will be another set of CSV files replacing the previous run
note: Documentation in progress...
Only Python 3 standard library modules are used currently.
Install Python version 3.6.3 or later
Clone the respective project repository from github:
git clone
Invoke a test run of all modules using no arguments and default input files residing in
python --testing
If testing run was successful a default run requires a number of keyword arguments for accessing the desired behavior and input files to support the processing:
A brief self-documentation of keywords and operational modes is invoked on command line using:
python --help
Example input files reside in /data
The project was developed using Python version 3.6.3 on a Windows 7 x64 machine.
We use Git for versioning and Sphinx for documentation.
- Markus von Steht - Initial work - mavost
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Billie Thompson - README template - on
- Rich Yap - A Simple Tutorial on How to document your Python Project using Sphinx - on
- Miller Medeiros - A default CSS file - on
- Sawaryn, S. J., & Thorogood, J. L. (2005, March 1). A Compendium of Directional Calculations Based on the Minimum Curvature Method. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/84246-PA Link
- etc