SwiftlyTasksApp is a simple task management application built with Swift. It provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface for managing tasks effectively, along with a built-in Pomodoro timer to enhance productivity.
- Create, view, update, and delete tasks.
- Mark tasks as completed or pending.
- Set due dates and priorities for tasks.
- Sort tasks based on priority or due date.
- Search for specific tasks.
- Pomodoro timer for improved productivity.
- Responsive design for different screen sizes.
To run the SwiftlyTasksApp locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/maszpy33/SwiftlyTasksApp.git
- Open the project in Xcode.
- Build and run the app on a simulator or a connected device.
- Xcode 12.0 or later
- Swift 5.0 or later
- iOS 13.0 or later
- Launch the app to see the task dashboard.
- Tap the "+" button to create a new task.
- Tap on a task to view its details or make updates.
- Swipe left on a task to delete it.
- Use the search bar to find specific tasks.
- Customize the sorting options using the buttons at the top.
- Use the integrated Pomodoro timer to enhance your productivity. Set work and break intervals and stay focused on your tasks.