A responsive PHP framework for use as a starting point (boilerplate) for Meridian Softech apps
This main components of this codebase are:
- Codeigniter 2.1.0 - everyone's favourite lightweight PHP framework
- Foundation 3 - which provides the responsiveness
- jQuery - the popular Javascript library
- Head JS - asynchronous script loader that speeds up loading of scripts in the DOM
Simple, Lightweight and Flexible. That's how we like it!
git clone https://github.com/meridiansoftech/meridian_ci_codebase.git
- Create a folder 'development' in application/config/
- Copy and paste the file 'database.php' found in application/config/ into the folder application/config/development/
- Go to application/config/development/database.php and change the settings to those of your local database server.
We enjoy hosting on PagodaBox, so we made this boilerplate ready for hosting on PagodaBox. All you have to do is visit the PagodaBox website and add a new Environment Variable
Value : PAGODA
Finally, enter your PagodaBox database settings into application/config/database.php. Enjoy!