3e81893 README: add link to Discord
082a118 expand 'Endianness' section
ead6f54 WIP - if statement rewrite
ef58606 WIP - smoketests
aa46d40 add % mapping in coverage
047141c add 'SQLite format 3' skeleton
b9cff03 add 'until' directive to grab all data until pattern matches
b47024d add LICENSE
6aa9e7c add Sony Playstation SFO format
39da158 add TODO
72952ce add XPR0 format (xbox) and draft for .res files from MX Unleashed (xbox)
b95933f add XSB (xbox sound bank?) format skeleton (magic 'SDBK')
93d1869 add Xbox XBE format
60839ce add ascii and asciiz data types
12c0c87 add asf (windows media) format skeleton
38fa7d3 add compression:deflate format
f238f35 add data type time_t_32 (unix timestamp)
aa638a4 add data type utf16z, zero (00 00)-terminated utf16 string
36771d2 add directive 'parse: end' to manually stop format parser (used by archives/rar)
74025ae add filetime data type
c6c47a1 add font/ttf format skeleton
d83ef37 add format skeletons for XBOX XSB and XWB formats
f3899ce add gameboy advance header format
6ef8001 add gameboy header format
f98b233 add java .class format skeleton
6836bcd add lz4 archive format + UnityFS asset bundle format
2069e3b add more gamecube formats
037d136 add new format systems/ps3/ps3_npd
b1f0594 add new formats archives/ar, systems/os2/ftcomp, windows/compress-kwaj
c3947c9 add new formats archives/{iso,teledisk,vdi,winimg}, images/bpg, network/torrent
1ce2fc8 add new formats documents/chm, fonts/{dfont,pfb,ttc,type1,x11snf}
97466d1 add new formats systems/flash/swf, systems/python/pyc
923e6df add nintendo 64 header format
4a047f8 add nintendo ds header format
4478fc9 add offset directive and field.index special iteration index for complex parsing
b62c85b add offset() and len() functions
1271551 add references to some synalysis grammars
6f17c50 add references to some winhex templates
7d2b84e add skeleton templates for systems/flash/flv, media/{mkv,mp3}, systems/machos/macho-o
9752452 add smoketests for more formats
ba84b69 add support for archives/{iso,mozlz4}, add datatype compressed:lz4
7722dc9 add types dostime (16 bit) and dosdate (16 bit)
11ee56f add utf16le data type
34283ad add windows/regf template
c4ef1bb adjust presentation
2ebbbfb allow constants in if-expressions
766aca8 allow ranged units in if-expression
df33ba9 android: add dex and 'android resource' format templates
2ed3bdd archive/7zip: improve format by using vu64
04de994 archive/tar: improve format
897a1ed archive/xz: improve format and add vu64 data type (variable encoded u64)
b09ce38 archive: add arj format skeleton
19f03bc archives/ar: finish format + rearrange some templates
cf04f74 archives/lha: improve template
15f89bc archives/rar: improve format
259e2ec archives/zip: enable deflate extraction + rearrange some templates
cccc376 archives: add bzip2 skeleton
a8f63c9 archives: improve arj format
1ae128a bit match: fix a typo
e381aed bump dependencies
ebc3684 ci: add .goreleaser.yml
802f5ff ci: fix TestCompareWithReferenceParse and reduce debug output
ea94316 cmd/feng: add --brief for a 1-line description of matching template, disable unimplemented --verbose flag
0fc0373 cmd/feng: add --cpu-profile and --mem-profile argument for debugging
3371032 cmd/feng: add --extract-dir to force stream extraction (currently only comp:zlib
6f417f3 cmd/feng: auto match input file vs all templates
2fb2ba7 cmd/feng: default to hide raw values, show them with --raw
332c5a2 cmd/feng: improve bit and eq matched fields in prensentation
2e9a288 cmd/feng: limit amount of hex data displayed
8619ce4 cmd/feng: propagate template error better
e9c42a5 cmd/feng: report amount of unampped trailing bytes, if any
a619202 cmd/feng: simple data lister
02f011f cmd/feng: switch from kingpin to kong
82877a4 cmd/renamer: add --verbose flag
37c1d35 cmd/renamer: new cli to mass rename files to the correct extension
81d80b2 cmd/smoketester: print out the slowest mapped files at end of run
920b4b6 cmd\feng: present data type and decode simple formats
7e5a12d convert templates for layout format
b4dfff5 databases/sqlite: improve format
4d6c940 decorate structs with label value
333d77f documents/ole_compound: rename & improve format
bfb5b34 documents/pdf: slightly improve
0deb883 documents: add pdf format skeleton
26bab0a documents: new format skeletons for doc, hlp, rtf, wri and archives/ar
70cbca6 embed.FS templates
f6160cc enable smoketest running with github actions, fixes #1
1f266d7 expand FILE_SIZE to size in bytes
2df5b67 expand self.offset
9ae13cb expand template structs as data types, improve images/gif
fd334bd expand variables in ranges
f359a75 fix some tests
3ce5f5e fix: map string representation of complex types in eval.go
2b2d6e9 fonts/otf: finish format + add alignment(val,align) helper
beecf56 fonts/ttc: improve format greatly templates: evaluate vectors and make usable by expressions, such as offset: V1Header.Offsets[self.index]
(fonts/ttc) present: show vector values
cb757cf fonts/woff2: improve format
77f5879 fonts/woff: greatly improve template
15069cf fonts: add skeletons for eot,otf,woff,woff2
6c70080 fonts: improve eot format
748c17d fonts: improve otf format
75c45d6 fonts: improve ttf format
786631f gamecube/wii: add basic detection of .nkit.iso images
4c05d83 image/bmp: improve template
cf65974 image/bmp: parse test16.bmp
c4347d5 image/gif: add smoketest
4b960c9 image/gif: minor improvements
59a169d image/ico: add smoketest
2dc9c4b image/jpeg: add smoketest + fix DHT size calculation
240e3f2 image/pcx: add smoketest
40c1d2f image: add smoketests for remaining supported formats
5d2cb19 images/pcx: disable magic because too many false positives
adddd10 implement 'if Field in (1,2,3) and 'if Field notin (1,2,3) statements
c491d2f implement MatchedPattern
517b698 implement access to field.offset and field.len properties from template
22fa79d implement data types i8,i16,i32,i64
82b90b2 implement file magic matching for templates
5ff2811 implement sized structs
1bc599e implement start:length absolute address syntax
a1ae9da implement string concatenation and use it for label directive expansion, eg: label: self.Key + " = " + self.Value
af9a9d8 implement struct slices
bc77b70 improve archives/{arj,lz4}
18ca813 improve image/jpeg template
3d7ab50 improve images/bmp template
ff0ea78 improve images/tiff
8fcb9a1 improve logging and update notes
6672675 improve parsing for PS4/PS5 CNT files
b357ba0 improve presentation of sized fields
3d1837a improve regf template
bf1cfd0 improve regf template
2caf74b improve systems/unix/elf and systems/ps4/ps4_self
8ad9936 improve templates/systems/ps3/ps3_pkg
1cc5bfe initial commit
b6bdbfe mapper: accept eof errors as valid parse for otherwise valid mapping
56ce99f mapper: add 'data: unseen' directive to mark data for 'SAMPLE PLEASE' prompt + update TODO
439a33f mapper: propagate eof
71f3478 mapper: store file size
be520c6 mark up some more templates with 'data: unseen' to prompt for SAMPLES
a643e21 minor tweaks
d560e2c misc improvements
ce116b5 only evaluate datafield ranges once + misc fixes
350157f presentation: present 'eq' field matched values in field data type
1097913 progress git,ico templates
5ecea4f progress png template
ab418d2 rar: disable unfinished parsing
285f8b4 rar: improve template
78a128c rar: remove unneeded parse directive and update docs
1e0d40e rearrange test files
5d54243 refactor
b972dda refactor
4463806 refactor GetValue
616947d regenerate smoketests with more width + add comp:zlib data type
a0e7a86 remove unused u8[12:34] absolute offset format, is better achieved with offset directive
4ae28ae rename archives/7z to archives/7zip
8b37aaa restored smoketests for working formats
dcf3be2 rework eval
ff0d4fa rework eval more
c47295a simplify a test
0d2e964 smoketest: add another sample
1c8f46a smoketest: add image/dds
7a6f6ef smoketest: enable working tests
f0a72f6 smoketest: generate reference presentations
afcf0b4 sync last changes
5ccd2d3 systems/lua: small improvements
dcb29df systems/macos: add pef executable template
e5fe46c systems/nintendo-wii-u: add some basic formats
f380513 systems/unix: add ELF file format skeleton
f9c89b8 systems/xbox/xbe: improve format
6f1d581 systems/xbox: minor improvements
b9fc80d systems: add luac 5.2 bytecode format
4ea80a1 template jpeg: SOF0
5d852f2 template: add peek_i16() and peek_i32() functions, improve windows/exe-mz
7dbef50 template: add vu32 - variable-length encoded u32, as used by fonts/woff2
e923219 template: allow top-level definition of endian
7ca8e33 templates: minor improvements
4edadd3 tiff: remove link
f78238f update README
5eb9758 update dependencies
98ea594 update dependencies
9aac648 update dependencies
60485b6 utf16 string cleanup
cb90b2b utf16String: strip trailing NULL bytes
76cd730 windows/exe-mz: detect MZ-LX header
3beabdd windows/exe-mz: detect MZ-PE header
ff565b7 windows/exe-mz: improve MZ-NE format
45ee8fa windows/exe-mz: improve format with LE and NE headers + show bitfield pattern index and size in presentation
1f84dbe windows/exe-mz: improved MS-DOS exe format
bd71c9b zip: greatly improve parser
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