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BoreholeNetworksSimulator.jl is a pure Julia, performant, and modular framework for simulations of fields of interconnected borehole heat exchangers. Features:

  • Computes fluid temperatures, borehole wall temperatures and heat extracted.
  • Supports many different configurations and settings by being highly modular: boreholes, hydraulic configurations, ground properties, load demand or temperature constraints, ground boundary conditions can be seamlessly used with minimal effort.
  • Allows for design of operation strategies via an operator callback at each time step.
  • Implements the "non-history" time superposition method, reducing the computational complexity in the number of time steps to linear. This allows for simulations with fine time steps.
  • Python interoperability.

More information and an extensive list of features can be found in the documentation.


BoreholeNetworksSimulator.jl is currently not in Julia's General registry (as well as some of its dependencies), however, it is easily available through the local registry geothermal_registry. In order to install it, start Julia and run the command:

using Pkg; pkg"registry add"; Pkg.add("BoreholeNetworksSimulator")