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I am currently a Researcher in Computational Science and Machine Learning at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
I work on scientific machine learning projects using mostly Tensorflow and sometimes Pytorch. I have developed generative modeling techniques for data augmentation, data reduction and rare event probability estimation.
diversitySR | Phase-space-sampling | GANISP |
I develop surrogate models using physics-informed neural nets to accelerate parameter identification for Li-ion battery models.
I also develop code for high-performance computing on CPU/GPU architectures. Lately, I have been developing HPC code for analytically reduced chemistry using symbolic mathematics.
PelePhysics |
I am also working on scaling up the generative modeling regularization techniques I developed to handle large atmospheric datasets
sup3r |
I develop tools generate OpenFOAM meshes that adapt to geometrical parameter variations. This is particularly useful for geometry optimization.
BiRD |
Working on developing uncertainty propagation tools for Large eddy simulations.
mluq-prop |
A tool box for journal quality plotting, for input parsing and progress bar display
prettyPlot |
I also develop fun projects to organize Secret Santa 🎅 remotely or settling intense Poker games
SecretSanta | PokerSplit |
I'm always happy to hear about new oppportunities!