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Michiel Tramper edited this page Nov 17, 2022 · 53 revisions

WP Custom Fields supports a wide variety of fields which each have their unique properties. These are described on this page. Some fields store their data in an array of data, which is also elaborated under each field.

If you want to see how this looks like in actual code, head to the examples on the pages for Adding Options Pages, Adding Custom Metaboxes or Adding Customizer Settings.


Customizer Fields

Customizer fields have a slightly different approach. You can find their configuration under Adding Customizer Settings.


Section Properties

Fields are placed in sections, which may reflect a tab in any location or a panel in the Customizer. A section has the following properties:

Property Type Description
description string The description for this section
fields array required The array of fields belonging to this section
icon string The material icon displayed in the tab of this section, for example,'favorite_border'
id string required The id of this section
tabs boolean To display the tab of a field. With only having one section, this can be set to false to hide the tabs. Defaults to true.
title string The title of this section
display_title boolean Display the section title above fields. defaults to true


Common Field Properties

The following properties are common for each field. However, not all of these apply to fields added within the customizer.

Property Type Description
class string An optional class for the field.
columns string The column width of this field. Accepts full, three-fourth, two-third, half, third, fourth.
default string or array The default values for this field.
description string The description for this field
dependency string The dependencies for this field, use the format ['source' => 'id_of_dependent_field', 'equation' => '=', 'value' => 'required value']. This hides the field unless the source field (defined with the field id from this field under source) matches equation and value. Equation supports both '=' as '!='. Dependencies work with input, checkbox and select field types as a source field, and also work in repeatable field groups (then they will target fields in the same group)
id string required The id of this field
name string Optional name for this field. By default, the name is similar to the id.
placeholder string Optional placeholder for this field. Supported by many field types such as input, select and textarea.
title string The title of this field
type string required The field type. Supports 'background', 'border', 'boxshadow', 'button', 'checkbox', 'code',, 'colorpicker', 'dimensions', 'divider', 'editor', 'export', 'gallery', 'heading', 'icons', 'input', 'location', 'media', 'radio', 'repeatable', 'select', 'slider', 'textarea', 'typography'


CSS Styling from Field Properties

Some of the fields are also able to convert their data to css-styling on the front-end. Fields which support this feature are background, boxshadow, border, colorpicker, dimensions, media and typography.

This can be achieved to the adding the following property to a field:

Property Type Description
selector string or array The css selector to output styling to, for example '.site-header'

The dimensions and colorpicker field also support custom css properties. The value of the field is then set to that given property. In that case, the selector property should be formatted as an array in the following manner: ['selector' => '.css-selector', 'property' => 'background-color'].



The background fields displays an upload field for a custom background image, a colorpicker and some select fields to choose the repeat, attachment, size and position of your background field.

Unique Properties

Key Type Description
labels array Optional custom labels for our WP Media Modal. Should be in the following format: ['add' => __('Label for the addition button'), 'button' => __('Label for the Media Modal insert button'), 'title' => __('Title on top of the Media Modal')]
properties array Custom properties for our box-shadow fields, following the properties as defined in the configurations for the background field (see src/fields/background.php). Allows for translations or adjustment of properties.

Output of a Background Field

The background field stores its data in the following keys:

Key Description
color The background colour value
upload The attachment id for the uploaded background
repeat The repeat value for the background, such as 'no-repeat'
attachment The attachment of the background, such as 'fixed'
size The size of the background, such as 'cover'
position The position of the background, such as 'center top'



The border field displays a selection of fields in which you can define a border

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of a border field:

Key Type Description
borders string To have settings for all four border sides. If set to 'all', it will display fields for each side.

Output of a Border Field

The data from a border field is stored in the following keys:

Key Description
color The color of the border
labels array
style The style of the border, such as 'dotted'
width The width of the border, defined as ['amount' => '', 'unit' => '']

If the borders property is set to all, the above data is stored under top, right, left and bottom keys respectively.



Displays a selection of fields for saving boxshadow settings.

Unique Properties

Key Type Description
labels array Optional custom labels for our boxshadow field. Should be in the following format: ['color' => __('Label above boxshadow color. Defaults to Boxshadow Color.'), 'dimensions' => __('Label above boxshadow dimensions. Defaults to Boxshadow X-Offset, Y-Offset, Blur and Spread.'), 'placeholder' => __('Label within boxshadow type dropdown. Defaults to Select Type.'), 'type' => __('Label above boxshadow type. Defaults to Boxshadow Type.')]
types array Optional custom options for the type of boxshadow, defaults to [ '' => __('Default', 'wpcf'), 'inset' => __('Inset', 'wp-custom-fields') ]
pixels array Optional custom options for the box-shadow x-position, y-position, blur and spread, defaults to ['x' => __('x-offset', 'wpcf'), 'y' => __('y-offset', 'wpcf'), 'blur' => __('blur', 'wpcf'), 'spread' => __('spread', 'wpcf')]

Output of a Boxshadow Field

The data from a boxshadow field is stored in the following keys:

Key Description
x The x-offset of the boxshadow as a numerical value
y The y-offset of the boxshadow as a numerical value
blur The blur of the boxshadow as a numerical value
spread The spread of the boxshadow as a numerical value
type The boxshadow type, such as 'inset'



The button element allows adding a button to which you can bind a custom ajax action. This action is performed upon clicking the button.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of a button field:

Key Type Description
action string The name of the ajax action to perform, which was added through wp_ajax_(action) or wp_ajax_nopriv_(action).
data array The optional data passed to the ajax action. This data is json encoded as a data-attribute.
label string The label for the button
message boolean Whether to display a message or not. If set to true, it takes the data output from an ajax action. For example, it takes the message that an ajax action returns through wp_send_json_success().
style string Any additional button class supported by WordPress, such as button-primary

Output of a Button Field

The button field does not store any data by default.



The checkbox field renders one or more checkboxes.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of a checkbox field:

Key Type Description
options array The checkboxes that need to be displayed. See below for the accepted format.
single boolean By setting this to true, the value is stored as a single boolean using the field id instead of an array. Defaults to false. This only works if one option is defined, so it is particularly useful if you only have one checkbox.
style string The optional style for a checkbox. Accepts 'buttonset' to display the checkboxes as a set of buttons (particularly useful if you only use icons), 'switcher' or 'switcher switcher-disable' to display the checkboxes as a switcher field

Checkbox options need to be put in the following format. Either label or icon or optional, but one of them should be present.

    'checkbox_id' => ['label' => 'Label for this checkbox', 'icon' => 'material_icon']

Output of a Checkbox Field

The data from checkbox is stored as an array, where each key reflects the key as registered under the options property. If a checkbox is checked, such a key has a value of true, otherwise it is false. If the single property is set to true, the data is stored as a boolean.



Displays a code input field, using CodeMirror to format the syntax.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties for a code field:

Key Type Description
mode string The CodeMirror Language Mode. By default, this is 'htmlmixed'.

Output of a Code Field

The output is a string of the contents of the code field.



Renders a colorpicker field, including a color opacity picker by default.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of a color field:

Key Type Description
alpha boolean If set to false, removes the opacity picker to define the alpha value of the color.

Output of a Colorpicker Field

The output is a string containing the rgb or rgba value for the selected color.



Renders a datepicker field using Flatpicker.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of a datepicker field:

Key Type Description
alt-format string Determines how a date is displayed, using common date-formats. Defaults to 'F j, Y'.
date-format string Determines how a date is stored, using common date-formats. Defaults to 'U'.
labels array Custom labels for the clear and toggle buttons within the datepicker. Should be in the following format: ['clear' => __('Label for the clear button. Defaults to Clear.'), 'toggle' => __('Label for toggle button. Defaults to Toggle.')]
locale string Can be used to set a locale. The localization file need to be included, which may be retrieved from Flatpicker
mode string Can be set to 'single', 'multiple' or 'range' to allow different kinds of date selection.
no-calendar boolean If set to true, the calendar is hidden.
week-numbers boolean If set to true, week numbers will show up in the calendar.

Output of a Datepicker Field

The output is a string in the format as defined under the date-format property.



Displays a number field with a unit select field along. By default, these units are common dimensions such as px, em and so forth.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of a dimensions field:

Key Type Description
borders string To have settings for all four sides. If set to 'all', it will display fields for each side.
step float The steps in the number field of the dimension. By default, this is 1, so only whole values can be entered. If this is set to 0.1 for example, values such as 0.3 are possible.
units array Set this to a custom array of units to overwrite the default units.

Output of a Dimensions Field

The data from a dimensions field is stored in the following keys:

Key Description
amount The numerical value for the dimension
unit The unit for the dimension, such as 'px'

If the borders property is set to all, the above data is stored under top, right, left and bottom keys respectively.



Displays a divider, which is a field width border. This field does not have unique properties nor output.



Displays a TinyMCE editor.

Unique Properties

Key Type Description
settings array Custom editor settings as described under settings in the WordPress Codex.

Output of an Editor Field

The output of an editor field is a string of the data stored within the editor field.



Displays exportable settings and a field for importing settings.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of the export field.

Key Type Description
key string To option key to which your data is stored. Most times, this is equal to the ID of your group of options. If your field is a metabox, it will automatically grab the metadata where the meta key matches the key.
context string To context determining the access to data (where a custom field is displayed on the backend). Should be either 'post', 'term', 'user' or 'options'.
labels array Custom labels for the Export field buttons. Should be in the following format: ['button' => __('Label for the import button. Defaults to Import'), 'label' => __('Label above export field.')]

Output of a Export Field

The export field does not save any additional data, but pulls the data from your defined options ID.



Displays a heading. Useful to divide several sections of options.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of the heading field.

Key Type Description
collapse array Adds an array of field ids that should be collapsed. These fields will be hidden, unless you click the heading. The heading will also have an arrow indicator, indicating a collapsible section. Can be used to create collapsible sections.
subtitle string Adds an optional subtitle under the heading.

Output of a Heading Field

The heading field does not save any data.



Displays any html, filtered by wp_kses.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of the heading field.

Key Type Description
html string The HTML string that is being rendered by this field.

Data Output of a HTML Field

The HTML field does not save any data.



Adds a field in which one or more icons can be selected.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of the icons field.

Key Type Description
exclude array Icon sets to exclude from displaying. By default, the sets 'dashicons', 'font-awesome' and 'material' are included. For example, use ['dashicons'] to exclude dashicons
multiple boolean Whether one can select just one or multiple icons.

Output of an Icons Field

The data is stored either as an array with the names of the selected icons or a string with the name of one icon.



Displays a plain input field. HTML5 input types are supported.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of an input field.

Key Type Description
class string Deprecated, and no longer used. Now replaced by the style key.
max int The maximum value of the input field. Used for number and range input types.
min int The minimum value of the input field. Used for number and range input types.
readonly boolean Makes the field read-only if set to true.
step int The steps in which a value can be increased, for example 1 or 0.1. Used for number and range input types.
style string A style class for the input field. Defaults to 'regular-text' and 'small-text' for number fields.
subtype int The optional HTML5 input type. Supports email, number, range, tel, text, url.

Output of an Input Field

The data is stored as a string.



Displays a google map with an autosuggest field in which a location can be entered. Also, the street address, house number, postal code and city can be entered manually. This field requires to have a Google Maps API key registered upon initialization of the framework.

Unique Properties

Key Type Description
labels array Optional custom labels for the various labels above location fields. Default to the labels set in configurations of the field file, in src/fields/location.php.
search string Optional custom placeholder for the search field, defaults to 'Search for a location'

Output of a Location Field

The data of a location field is stored as an array with the following keys:

Key Description
city The city of the given address
lat The latitude of the given address
lng The longitude of the given address
number The optional house number of the given address
postal_code The optional postal code of the given address
street The optional street of the given address



Displays a field where one or multiple pieces of media, such as images or video, can be uploaded. It opens up a WordPress Media Modal in which media can be uploaded. Media fields are sortable!

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of a media field.

Key Type Description
labels array Custom labels for our WP Media Modal. Should be in the following format: ['add' => __('Label for the addition button. Defaults to Add'), 'button' => __('Label for the Media Modal insert button. Defaults to Insert.'), 'title' => __('Title on top of the Media Modal. Defaults to Add Media.')]
multiple boolean Whether to allow multiple uploads or only one
subtype string The optional type of media that is allowed. By default, all types are supported. Also supports mime types such as video, image, audio, application, or any of the mime types supported by WordPress.
url boolean Whether to display media urls or not

Output of a Media Field

The media field saves data as a comma seperated string of attachment ids. This will be only one id if multiple is set to false.



The radio field displays a set of radio buttons

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of a radio field:

Key Type Description
options array The checkboxes that need to be displayed. See below for the accepted format.
style string The optional style for a radio field. Accepts 'buttonset' to display the radio buttons as a set of buttons (if only icons are used), 'switcher' or ``'switcher switcher-disable'` to display the radio buttons as a switcher field

Radio field options need to be put in the following format. Either label or icon or optional, but one of them should be present.

    'radio_id' => ['label' => 'Label for this radio button', 'icon' => 'material_icon'],
    'radio_id_2' => ['label' => 'Label for this radio button', 'icon' => 'material_icon'],

Output of a Radio Field

The data from radio button is stored as a string, where the string matches the selected button.



Displays a group of fields which can be repeated. These fields are also sortable. Repeatable fields can not be nested yet.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of a repeatable field:

Key Type Description
add string The label for adding a group. Defaults to __('Add Group', 'wp-custom-fields').
remove string The label for removing a group. Defaults to __('Remove Group', 'wp-custom-fields').
collapse boolean If set to true, adds an arrow to toggle the display of fields in a group.
closed boolean If set to true, collapses a repeatable group by default.
fields array The fields that are in the repeatable group. These are added in the same way as fields are added to sections.
labels array Optional custom labels for the repeatable group. Should be in the following format: ['add' => __('Addition button label.'), 'remove' => __('Remove button label.')]

Output of a Repeatable Field

The data of a repeatable field is stored as an array, where each key represents the values of the fields of that particular group.



The select field shows a dropdown select field. A select field may also load a host of (custom) posts, terms or users.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of a select field:

Key Type Description
mode string The mode for the field, either 'advanced' or 'plain'. Determines if Select2.js is used to render the field (when set to 'advanced', it is). Defaults to 'advanced'.
multiple boolean Whether to allow the selection of multiple options or not.
options array The array of options formatted as [option_value => __(Option Label)]
object string Allows filling the select field with data from users, posts or taxonomies. Accepts 'posts', 'term' or 'user' .
source string Defines from which post type or taxonomy options should be load, such as 'post', 'page' or 'category'. Is not required if the object property is set to 'user'.
relational boolean Makes this field relational if used as a post, term or user metabox, meaning it will automatically update the selected target posts, terms or users with itself. Requires object and eventually source to be set and can only be used within custom post, user and term metaboxes.

Output of a Select Field

The data for this field is saved as a string, or as an array of option values if multiple is set to true.



The slider field displays a range slider.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of a slider field:

Key Type Description
max int The maximum value of the slider
min int The minimum value of the slider
step int The steps into which the slider can increase, such as 0.5

Output of a Slider Field

The data for this field stored is a numeric value.



Displays a textarea field.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of a textarea field:

Key Type Description
cols int The cols attribute of this textarea. Defaults to 70.
rows int The rows attribute of this textarea. Defaults to 7.

Output of a Textarea Field

The data for this field stored is stored as a text string.



Displays a field with typographic settings, such as color, font, font-size, line-height, font-style, test-align, text-transform and font-weight. If this field also influences styling (meaning the selector property has been set), it will show a field to load all font styles on the front-end.

Unique Properties

These are the unique properties of a typography field:

Key Type Description
labels array Optional custom labels for the typography field. Should be in the following format: ['normal' => __('The placeholder for loading normal fonts.'), 'italic' => __('The placeholder for loading italic fonts.'), 'select' => __('The placeholder for selecting a font'), 'weights' => __('The placeholder for font-weight.')]

Output of the Typography Field

The data for the typography field is stored as an array with the following keys:

Key Description
color The color of the font.
font The selected font-family.
font_weight The selected font-weight.
italic The italic font-style of the font. Empty if not set.
line_spacing The line-height of the font, stored in the keys amount (the value) and unit (the unit, such as px).
load If extra fonts are loaded for italic or normal sets, in the format of the keys italic and normal.
size The size of the font, stored in the keys amount (the value) and unit (the unit, such as px).
text_align The alignment of the font, either left, right, center or ``justify`.
underline The text-decoration of underline for the font. Empty if not set.
uppercase The uppercase transformation of the font. Empty if not set.
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