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Bulk image downloader for reddit.


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rrip - Bulk-download images from subreddits

Program to bulk-download image from reddit subreddits.


  • Set max size of file, max total size, minimum score etc..

  • Download images from Reddit preview links instead of source, saving some space.

  • If the image / GIF is already downloaded in same folder, skip it.

  • Log final download URLs to a file using a custom format string.

  • Filter by post title or link using regular expression.

  • Use Go template syntax to do custom filtering over post properties, or change file name format.

  • Single static binary written in Golang

(Note: I have not tested all combinations of features, you might encounter some bugs!)


Using go command

Assuming you have Go toolchain installed

go install

From Release section

Download from Release section and unpack the binary executable somewhere in your PATH.

Using Docker / Podman

rrip is also available as a lightweight (distroless) Docker image from

Running from docker image obviously requires a bind mount and setting the user. So you can use an alias like this.

alias rrip='docker run --rm -v $PWD:/app/ -u $(id -u):$(id -g)'

Then invoke it as rrip.

In case of rootless podman, specifying user & group is not required due to uid remapping. So alias will be:

alias rrip='podman run --rm -v $PWD:/app/'


Invoke rrip without arguments for up-to-date usage output.


## Download only <200KB files from r/Wallpaper
rrip --max-size=200 r/Wallpaper

## Download all time top from r/WildLifePhotography, without exceeding 20MB storage or 50 files
rrip --max-storage=20 --max-files=50 --sort=top-all r/WildlifePhotography

## Search "Neon" on r/AMOLEDBackgrounds and download top 20, sorted by top voted in past one year
rrip --search="Neon" --max-files=20 --sort=top-year r/AMOLEDBackgrounds

## Download memes from r/LogicGateMemes, download reddit previews (640p)
## instead of original image, for space savings.
## Also log all image links to file called meme.txt along with title

## Note that -preview-res cannot be arbitrary
## Ones that generally work are 1080, 960, 640, 360, 216, 108
## If no suitable preview is found, image won't be downloaded

## use -prefer-preview instead of -download-preview 
## to download original URL if no preview could be found

rrip --download-preview --preview-res=640 --data-output-file=meme.txt --data-output-format="{{.final_url}} {{.title}}" r/LogicGateMemes

## Log all image links from r/ImaginaryLandscape
## without downloading files, using -d (dry run) option.
## (Reddit shows last 600 or so.., not really "all")
rrip -d --data-output-file=imaginary_landscapes.txt --data-output-format="{{.score}} {{.final_url}} {{.quoted_title}} {{.author}}" r/ImaginaryLandscapes

Using template options

Go text/template syntax can be used to do versatile filtering. It can also be used to do formatting of logged links.

## Inspect the JSON of post using --print-post-data
rrip --print-post-data --max-files=1 r/AMOLEDBackgrounds

## After inspecting the JSON, you can use the field values in `-template-filter` to filter based on any attribute.
## If the template evaluates to "false", "", or "0", the post will be skipped by rrip

## Example: only download gilded posts
rrip --template-filter='{{gt .gilded 0.0}}' --max-files=20 --sort=top-year r/AMOLEDBackgrounds

## Example: only download posts by a given author, say u/temporary_08
rrip --template-filter='{{eq .author "temporary_08"}}' --max-files=20  r/AMOLEDBackgrounds

## Example: skip potentially unsafe content
rrip --template-filter='{{not .over_18}}' --max-files=20  r/AMOLEDBackgrounds

## Example: Log links to a file with author, upvote ratio, and quoted title.
## Use dry run (-d) to skip download
rrip -d --data-output-file=amoled.txt --data-output-format='{{.upvote_ratio}} {{.author}} {{.quoted_title}}' r/AMOLEDBackgrounds

## Example: Change file name format using Go templates.
rrip --filename-format='{{.author}} {{.title}} {{.score}}' r/AMOLEDBackgrounds


  • Can't handle crossposts when downloading preview image.
  • No support for downloading albums.
  • Some options don't work together
  • Many other caveats I don't remember.